Art Show

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Chapter Four: Art Show



A lot had happened this past week since lectures started up again. I was showing my lecturer the pictures I took that frosty day in Highgate Cemetery and out of the blue he asked if I'd like some of my work to be showcased at an upcoming art show in SoHo London. I didn't think my pictures were that good, but he assured me that people would love to buy them as prints because I had a way of capturing life even in the most lifeless of places. Plus creepy was in fashion and I could make some money from my hobby. I'd have been stupid to turn it down so I said yes.

Tonight was the night of the art show and I was freaking out on the inside while pretending to be calm and collected on the outside. I'd chosen twenty prints had them printed on different sized canvases in case people wanted to buy a certain size. I had a small corner of the art space to capture me as a photographer through the decoration. I went with painting the walls I was given a dark grey and had the prints in black frames with quite a low lighting illuminated them to make space seem more spooky.

I didn't have much time for Dan, all he knew was that something big had happened with my photography and I wouldn't be able to talk to him every day because I'd be running around like a headless chicken. He understood and seemed to sense when I was stressed and would send little quotes to pick up my mood and make me smile when all I wanted to do was smash all the photo frames in front of me. I wanted badly to invite Dan but all the tickets sold out before I could reserve any which was a shame because I could do with a friendly face right now.

It was obvious to everyone that I was the youngest photographer being displayed and they made me well aware of my low status compared to the professionals who'd been doing this for years. I tried to back out but my lecturer gave me the pep talk on how this looked good on the university and I'd have to grow a thicker shell if I wanted to make a name for myself in this competitive business. So as I stood in front of the mirror in my bedroom I practised my fake smiles and greetings, if everyone else was going to be stuck up and fake then so could I. Thank god for the mention of free alcohol at this event, liquid courage was what I'd need to make it out of this alive.

I straighten my simple black halter skater dress as I climb out of the taxi gracefully. To go with my dark theme I'd dressed the part right down to the black dress and shoes. My hair was curled and fell in locks past my shoulders, while I kept my makeup quite simple with a winged eyeliner and smoky eye and finished off with a dark purple lipstick which made me look like a vampire. I flash my pass at the security guard outside and he lets me in without a hassle, other photographers glanced my way as I made my way over to my display to make sure everything looked good last minute.


How had this happened? How the hell had I let Rachel talk me into attending some stupid art exhibition? I thought the girl was joking when she came around to mine and Phil's dressed to the nines, well as formal as Rachel could get because she hated playing dress up. Apparently, she'd bought two tickets and Chris was unavailable as he was in Brighton filming a project with PJ, and Phil mysteriously had plans when art was right up his street. Rachel used her damn puppy dog eyes on me and I agreed to go with her only on the promise of free alcohol.

The only pictures I liked looking at were the ones Jasmine took, she had a real gift for taking pictures at exactly the right time to capture different emotions and atmospheres. We hadn't exactly spoken that much this last week because something big had come up at her university involving her photography and she was freaking out. I tried to reassure her that her work was good and if people didn't like it then they could walk the other way.

"Come on Daniel, it doesn't usually take you this long to get ready."

Rachel knocked impatiently on the bathroom door as I turned off my straighteners and put them on the side. I fasten up the buttons on the black dress shirt, which went with my black jeans and shoes. Black was spirit colour, just like my soul. Rachel didn't complain because she knew no one would be able to get me to dress in colour. Plus this way I'd be able to blend in with the night if I needed to make an escape if I got too bored.

In the taxi, Rachel was more jumpy and happy than usual and constantly on her phone messaging either Chris or Phil. I had my suspicions that the three of them were up to something that involved me, but I didn't know what they possibly thought I'd get out of an art show. I'd messaged Jasmine earlier but she hadn't replied, I felt like I could talk to her when I couldn't talk to my friends. She was my Omegle girl and I was her Omegle boy.

"Come on Dan stop daydreaming we're here."

Rachel pays the driver and we get out of the taxi. There was a queue outside the gallery and I internally sighed at the thought of having to stand outside in the cold for god knows how long. Upon seeing the disgust on my face Rachel linked her arm through mine and dragged me towards the front of the line and flashed her tickets at the bouncer who opened the door and let us in without a fuss.


"I have my ways Daniel, now go and enjoy some art maybe buy a piece or two. I'll be at the bar."

She stands on her tiptoes and pecks my cheek in a friendly way before pushing me into the crowd of people leaving me to fend for myself. A few people scowl at me and shove me out of the way, I definitely didn't belong in this room of fancy looking art people.

After a couple glasses of champagne, I found the bar and Rachel was nowhere in sight, I guessed she was actually looking at the pictures on display. I order a beer and start the second half of the art space, nothing really catches my eye until I come across a painted grey corner which seemed to call to my love of dark colours. It was the only display that was dark, which explained why there was hardly anyone around it, I kind of felt bad for the photographer.

A girl in a stunning black dress had her back to me as if she was trying to keep herself occupied with the photographs. I decide to study the one closest to me and immediately establish the location as a cemetery, in a basket below the picture is a few copies of the print in different sizes you can buy, I might just have to buy one. As I analysed more of the photographs I started to see a theme, it was meant to be dark but a thin layer of white frost somehow gave the locations life. If anything it reminded me of Jasmine's pictures she uploaded on Instagram, in fact now I mentioned her name she was out taking photographs on a frosty day a week ago and was heading to Highgate Cemetery.

I pick up four prints I want to buy and tap the girl on the shoulder hoping she could point me in the right direction of either the photographer or where I could pay for the prints in my hands. She puts down her wine glass and turns on her heels, my jaw hits the floor as I take in the girl I'd only seen once on Omegle but couldn't get out of my head.

" that you?"

The girl's eyes widen as she checks me out head to toe and gasps, "Omegle boy...wait I mean Dan?"

Well now this all made sense, why Chris and Phil couldn't make it and Rachel dragged me along. Did they know thatJasmine was one of the photographers on display? Of course, they did becausethey most likely read the programme and bought the tickets to make sure wefinally met face to face. Neither of us knew how to react so stuck to staringat each other waiting for the other to say something or make a move.

Omegle Boy (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire) Bk 2: Fantastic Foursome SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now