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Chapter Ten: Girlfriend



Hyde Park was one of my favourite parks in London, it was beautiful and to watch the seasons change throughout the year was an experience I recommended everyone witness at least once in their life. Yes, London had a few hidden green gems scattered around the city, but nothing beat Hyde Park in my eyes. It also helped that I always seemed to be around the area and there was really nothing much to do other than walking around a huge park.

Dan walks by my side as I snap pictures of whatever catches my eye, we'd just come from a meeting to finalise the TATINOF merch designs along with designs for Dan and Phil's own merch line. Phil had left us alone stating he had business to attend, but when we questioned what it was he had to do he stuttered before simply walking into the nearest tube station. It seemed in recent days that everyone we knew was trying to get me and Dan alone by making up stupid excuses as to why they couldn't hang out with us. Quite frankly they couldn't be any more honest about their intentions, they wanted me and Dan together and they were going to get it one way or another.

"Are you excited for this tour Dan?"

Dan's head snaps in my direction,obviously I'd jolted him from his own thoughts.

"I guess I am, but I'm also shitting myself. It's one thing to make videos alone in my room and put them online, but Phil and I are actually going to have to go outside and interact with people. We're two awkward human beings who have to put on a stage show."

I felt kind of bad for him, I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to go on stage every night and put on a show for hundreds of people. Though that could be down to my stage fright, fear of public speaking, and hatred of drama back in high school. Reaching out I take one of his hands and squeeze it reassuringly.

"Remember I'll be there as the official photographer Dan. If anything gets too much just look for me and I'll make a silly face or something."

"You're the best Jasmine," he whoops, before picking me up and starts to spin me around on the spot, "just promise you won't take any cringe worthy pictures on the tour."

I can't help but laugh as my head starts to get slightly dizzy from all the spinning, "okay, put me down now Daniel."

Dan puts me back down on earth and I stumble slightly, but before Dan can catch me someone else catches me before I can fall.

"Easy there Jasmine, wouldn't want to see you get hurt now."

My whole body freezes, what the hell was Mitch doing here in Hyde Park?

"Err thanks, Mitch. What are you doing here? You don't live around here."

Mitch smiles, but it wasn't a nice smile but had underlying qualities of menace and evil.

"Anyone can walk through Hyde Park Jasmine. It's a nice park."

I shrug my shoulders, "I guess you're right, sorry for jumping to conclusions."

Mitch nods his head and I instinctively move closer to Dan. After Rachel told me to tell him and the guys about my stalker Mitch they were really concerned, especially Dan who promised to escort me anywhere to take pictures so I wasn't alone.

"So what are you doing here Jasmine? I thought Dan was just a flash in the pan, well at least according to that video. Are you two like together now or something? Because last time I looked the two of you were just friends, and I thought we had something special Jasmine."

"Actually Mitch yes we are together, we've been dating for the last week but trying to keep it on the down low."

Dan wraps an arm around my waist and plants a tender kiss on top of my head. I wanted to be in shock that he said we were dating but knew he was trying to get under Mitch's skin to leave us the hell alone. So I decide to play along.

"It's true Mitch, but I never once led you to believe we were an item or something special. Now I think Dan and I are going to leave because I'm craving a hot chocolate and something to eat."

If looks could kill then Mitch had it nailed perfectly. He couldn't look more pissed off and angry than he did right now. Hopefully, this was the kick up the ass he needed to get into his head that we would never be together and he needed to move on and stalk someone else.

"See you around Jasmine."

There was clear menace and threat in his voice before he turned around and stormed away from us. He wouldn't try anything, he wasn't that evil or wrong in the head. But for the next few weeks, I'd make sure to watch my back.


"That kid is crazy Jasmine. How have you put up with him this whole time."

Jasmine shrugs her shoulders and then I notice that I still had one arm around her waist. It felt right to hold her, I didn't mean to blurt out that we were dating but I just wanted Mitch to go away.

"Were you serious Dan?"

"Serious about what Jasmine?"

I could try and act dumb but we both knew I knew what she was asking about.

"If we're dating out of the blue just a heads up, I'd have liked to have been asked first."

Jasmine laughs and I laugh along with her, I might have been serious. It was hard to ask anyone out.

"Let's go get that hot chocolate."

Jasmine whoops and starts to drag me through the park to her favourite little place. I had the perfect idea how to ask her out.

Once inside we order the drinks and find a table near the window. We'd been shopping before to get some snacks for tonight's movie night, and Jasmine insisted we buy gingerbread men because she loved them. I pull out the box which came with little tubes of icing to decorate them and take one of the gingerbread men out while Jasmine watches me with curiosity from the other side of the table.

"Err Dan what are you doing?"

I try my best to block her view, not wanting to ruin the surprise. Jasmine wanted to be asked out, then I was going to ask her out here and now.

"Give me a second."

I sloppily ice 'Will you be my girlfriend?' onto the gingerbread man, which was a hard task considering how small of a space I had to work with. Putting the icing back I slide the gingerbread man across the table and wait for Jasmine's reaction.

She picks him up and gasps, "oh my god Dan."

Was that a good oh my god? Or a bad oh my god? Now I felt self conscious because she could very easily say no.

"You asked if I was serious before, and this is me being serious."

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend Dan, this is so sweet."

She gets up and makes her way around to my side of the table and sits on my lap, luckily the shop was empty so no one cared when she kissed me on the lips. I kiss her back.

"What should our first official date be Jasmine?"

"Netflix and chill."

She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively and I can't stop myself from bursting into laughter. I liked her train ofthought. Everyone wanted the two of us to be together and now we were.    

Omegle Boy (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire) Bk 2: Fantastic Foursome SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now