February 8th.

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February 8th.

Dear, Stupid Book.
          I finally got in contact with Scottie, I'd like to believe it's safe to call her a close friend but I could also kinda cal her a best friend I suppose. She's just feels like a very dependable person, she opens up to you when she's ready and she listens when you need her. What more could I ask for.
                                - Haz xx


With the sunlight shinning through my window and hitting my face it's a good enough memo of how its morning already. The first thing I do is check my phone and of course I'm happy about what I see.

Scottie: Human! Get up I'm catching the worm today! ... Or just maybe Titus woke up earlier then expected haha! But we can share the worm.

Chuckling I swipe the message to the left so a little text box comes down from the top and i begin to type.

Me: Hello Alien! I'm changing my diet to pancakes instead, the worms make me gassy. How is my little Hazza doing? Hopefully he's swell!

Chuckling at my own message I press send and set my phone down, with that I get up from my bed and quickly brush my teeth. I them return right back to my bed before my text tone goes off. Which of course causes me to look at my phone.

Scottie: I'm sorry for your gassiness! and Titus is doing good actually he's gone back to crawling around the flat and what not, he's sitting right now next to me on the floor while I make his food. He's got his little funky hat on I bought him not to long ago.

Me: Sometimes you make me jealous because you have a little baby and I don't, it's sad :(

Scottie: You can always adopt!

Me: Nah, I think I'll wait to have my own kids some day so it's from my blood ya know?

Scottie: Yes I know what you mean. Would you like to see a picture of Titus right now?

Me: Oh sure!

Scottie: gotcha!

|The picture attached to this chapter is the picture she has sent him|

Me: Scottie.

Scottie: Yes?

Me: he's fucking adorable, he has the biggest brown eyes I've seen Jesus Christ I want him!

Scottie: ;) you can't have him, he's mine!

Me: The baby struggle is so real right now. Like I want to just cradle him and hug him and just cuddle. Why can't we cuddle Scottie!!!

Scottie: you really do need a baby XD.

Me: I need a buddy, that is what I need.

Scottie: why don't you get a puppy then?

Me: ... I'd have to go outside for that

Scottie: When's the last time you were outside Haz?

Me: .... A couple days ago.

Scottie: Your telling me you haven't gone to any of your therapy sessions.

Me: You know it snowed yesterday. I like snow how about you?

Scottie: Don't change the subject on me.

Me: ... I don't go to them anymore Scottie, after I met with my dad a few days ago I stopped going to those things. He basically just three t in my face that he pays for them so I just stopped going in all.

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