Chapter Nineteen: Nevaeh Continued

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I texted Angelo to see if he made it home safely and he text me back not yet but he'll let me know when he does. See now that's how I know I really like him. Not once did I ask Josh about his making it home. I went into the bathroom to clean myself up from our make-out session. He is a COMPLETE freaking turn on. I'm a little nervous about us continuing to see each other. Our union can seriously be explosive in my opinion. I can't stop thinking about him. I wanna kiss him all night long but how much of that can a man really take ya know? We didn't even talk about my being a virgin. Somehow that didn't come up and we fa'sho have to talk about that. I need to know where he stands on that and if he can handle it. Tini hit me up to see if I wanted to hang out with her tomorrow and I told her yea. I think it's about time I confided in her and had another best friend besides Anthony. I know, I know she's Angelo's sister but it is what it is.  

I plugged my phone into the speakers and put my music on an acceptable volume. I played one of my fav songs by Cameron J Never Be The One. I just wanted to vibe out to some good music and just chill. I lit my candles turned on my heater and laid down on my bed with my eyes closed. I was trying to figure out what to do with my relationship with Anthony. I truly believed that we could still be friends even after we poured our hearts out but Anthony won't hear it. If i don't agree to a relationship with him then my fears will come true. I'll lose him as a friend all together. I don't want to be forced into a relationship with him though. My cellphone rang and it was Angelo. "Hello" "Hey gorgeous I just wanted to let you know I made it home safely. " "I'm glad to hear it." "What are you doing right now?" "I'm just laying down listening to some music. Just relaxing a bit wbu (what about you)?" "Laying here thinking about you and how I wanna see your face. Skype me okay?" "Okay." We hung up and he called me right back on Skype. "There goes that beautiful face I was looking for." I started cheesing hella hard. "So Angelo there's something I wanted to tell you." "Sure anything." "Well I'm a virgin waiting til marriage and I'm very serious about it. How do you feel about that?" I looked at him and he didn't seem surprised or bother by it. "Wow um I'm a little shocked but that's amazing and very admirable. I'm impressed. It really just makes me want you in my life more. You're exactly what I need in this life of sin. I can mos def wait with you if we were to become involved. I think it's beautiful." I was relieved he said that. "That's great I'm glad you would be on board with it." We continued to converse about any and everything under the sun for a few hours before I called it a night.

I woke up around 12pm and hopped in the shower. I got out lotioned my body with Night by Victoria Secrets and sprayed my body with the perfume. I threw on some black skinny jeans with a white tee that had You Can Call Me Queen Bee with a crown in gold and black. I put on my black and white sneaker wedges. I threw my hair into a ponytail and rocked a black hat that had a flower on it's left side. I put some studs in my ear and called it a day. Tini and I had agreed to hang out over lunch. I grabbed my black sweater, purse, phone and keys before locking my door and going to chat with Grams while waiting on Tini to pick me up. Tini called me and let me know she was outside and I kissed Grams goodbye and hopped in the car. "Hey bitch what's up!" "Nothing much girl just cooling. Where we eating at today?" "Well you know I'm picky and I know you are too so I was thinking maybe some Roundtable's pizza?" "Girrrrrrl yasss let me tell you they have these bomb fire ass boneless wings that I love." "Okay good." She turned the radio up and she had Luke James CD on. She was currently playing another one of my jams  I Want You. Luke is just too damn sexy for his own good and that voice of his leaves a bitch speechless.  We arrived and ordered a medium pepperoni pizza with some boneless hot buffalo wings to share.  "Okay girl so what's tea boo?" "Well okay I'm in love with my bestfriend Anthony and we've finally told each other how we feel recently. . . ." I continued on and let her know basically everything that happened between me and Toni. I also let her know about my dates with Josh and her brother Angelo. She didn't seem mad at all about what I confessed to her. 

"I just don't want you to think that I'm trying to play your brother or anything like that." "Girl no for one he can handle himself and for two we can't help who we fall in love with. I happen to like you with my brother I think that you are EXACTLY what he needs but I feel like you should at least give Toni a try. Yawl been friends for forever and honestly I don't think that you guys would ever fall out of friendship if the relationship did end. I mean you owe it to yourself to give it a try. Not everyday you find someone who feels the same way you feel about them. But I can't tell you what to decide. This is your life and as far as Josh goes I say leave that crazy nigga alone altogether. Don't try to be captain save a hoe and get caught up in anymore of his drama. You don't need it." "I'm so glad we had this talk Tini I really needed this." "Me too I been looking for a new bestfriend and you are the truth honey lol." "Thank you, so what's going on with you? Any new boo I should know about" "Girrrrrrrrrrrrl I met this FINE ass brother a few days back. I literally almost dropped my draws right then and there for him." We both busted out laughing, she is a damn FOOL! "Bihh what not un honey you're gonna have to elaborate on that and give me a description of the brotha!" "I LOVE me some chocolate honey and this man was CHOCOLATE. Skin sooo smooth and creamy. He had deep ass waves in his hair with some deep ass dimples. And bihh this man had the fucking NERVE to have blue eyes!" My mouth dropped open. "Bitch WHATTTTT blue eyes? Shitttt that sound like he was all THAT and then some." "Yes hoe BLUE. But wait a min let me finish. He is so tall and muscular with some LL lips baby. I just KNOW he can EAT ya heard me?" I busted out laughing and she ain't have no choice but to join in. Tears fell out both our eyes and people kept looking at us but we didn't care. I'm so glad I did this. A girl bf is what I been needing. 

We got up to throw away our trash and our mouth was running a mile a min. Before we walked out the door something told me to look to my right. This man was leering at me and he watched my every move. It was unnerving and creepy asf (as fuck) I just shook it off and kept going. I turned around once more and he was still staring at me with that dark expression on his face. I was really creeped tf (the fuck) out. Something just ain't sit right in my spirit with him. Tini noticed it too and asked if I saw how he was looking at me. "Girl something isn't right about him and the way he is leering at you like that. You need to watch your back at all times. That is an omen boo trust me on that. Stay prayed up and keep your guard up cuz someone is out for you." She was starting to spook me out. Why would anyone want to harm me? I don't have any beef with anyone! "Tini why would you say something like that?" "My spirit is all jacked up right now over him. I had to warn you. I know about these things. I am from N'Awlins after all and my Grams knew all about this stuff. But I could be reading too much into it. You know there are just a bunch of weirdos in the world. " I wanted to ignore it, to brush it off but God wouldn't let me. I needed to heed her warning. "Thanks Tini for letting me know. I most definitely will be watching my back." "No problem girl. So you wanna come to my house and smoke some dro?" "Fa'sho home chick. Have you heard that song by Luke James called Strawberry vapors? It's one of my favs by him." "Not un it's not on his album. You got it?" "Yea girl perfect high music to vibe to lol." Alright bet let's definitely hear that."

SIDENOTE: They won't let me add anymore videos on here but here's the link to the songs I was talking about. 

Anywhore COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT! I LOVE to read yawl thoughts! I'm always looking for some good African-American books to read so if you know any let me know what's good!

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