Chapter Eleven: Confessions Continued

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I can tell I ain’t gonna like her at all. She already trying to break me and Tonii up and I’m not having that. “So uhm you were saying?” “Ohh uhm nothing Nev I forgot now.” UGH THAT FUCKING BITCH RUINED EVERYTHING!! “Ohh okay then well I’mma go back to sleep.” I tried to get off of him but he wouldn’t let me once again. “Where you think you’re going baby, you can go back to sleep where you’re at now so stop moving.” “Ugh they made beds for a reason Tonii you know for people to sleep on them duhh!!” “Aha well idgaf I want to be your bed and your . . .” He stopped talking and just stared at me. "Aha be my what Tonii?!" He just kept staring at me and like a year later he spoke lmao. “Nevaeh boo I love you and I’m not talking about friendship love. Ugh what I’m saying is that I am IN LOVE with you mama fahreal though.” OMGOSH OMGOSH OMGOSH he said IT!! I can’t believe my ears ohh please Lord tell me this is not a dream. “Wait what are you really serious Anthony, you’re not playing with me right you’re dead serious?!” “Yea mama I’m dead serious I’ve been in love with you.”

“I just never had the nerve to tell you because I didn’t want to hear that you didn’t feel the same way about me. I didn’t wanna mess up our friendship over something like that so I kept it to myself but it’s been real hard lately to keep my feelings inside. I just couldn’t do it anymore I had to let you know how I feel and if you don’t feel the same way it’s okay mama I just don’t wanna lose you. I’ll take whatever you’ll give me baby.” I was speechless like damn I just really couldn’t believe this. “Wow Tonii I never would’ve knew that you felt this way and I’m glad you finally told me because I feel the same. Wow like I never though this would happen, me finally actually being able to tell you how I really feel and for you to feel the same it’s just amazing babe.” He smiled so big that I could see every last tooth he had lmao.  “Fahreal mama you’re really IN love with me fahreal?!” “Yes I’m fahreal.” He kissed me right then and there and we started making out J. He felt all over my body like he did before.

He flipped me over so that he was on top and he removed my shirt and licked and sucked my breast while he played with my pleasure button. Then he kissed and licked his way down my stomach to my treasure and he looked at me as like for permission. I nodded cuz I wanted this as badly as he did. He slowly licked all around my clit careful not to touch it and then he kissed my pussy hole and blew in it. He finally stuck his tongue in it and oooh it felt so good. He just kept going in and out, in and out and then he moved up to my clit and he finally kissed it. He nibbled, sucked and licked all on and around it. It was hard to be quiet and to keep the moans in. it was real hard you just don’t know. UGH that nigga don’t know what he’s doing to me. He kept licking my clit while fingering my juicebox gently. He made sure not to go in to far cuz he knew I was a virgin, he just went in far enough were it gave me pleasure and not pain. I was so fucking wet man I was embarrassed but he just kept eating me out and all that flew out the window ya dig?

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