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We walked into the reception area of the motel; it wasn't bad apart from the weird statues around the place. Urgh creepy.

"Two rooms please, a single king and a double king."

Dean spoke to the guy running the desk. He nodded and handed over two keyrings.

"Rooms 317, 318."

Dean took the keys and chucked one to me. I caught it in my free hand.

"Good catch."

I looked up to the receptionist smiling at me. I smiled.


"Hey no problem cutie."

I grinned again then winced because it meant scrunching up nose.


I whispered to myself.

"I've got some ice if you want it?"

I smiled at the receptionist and smiled.

"That would be great thanks."

He got up and a few minutes later he returned with an ice pack. I nodded my head.


"If you don't mind me asking what happened?"

I sighed as I knew it meant I had to explain myself to someone I barely knew.

"Basically I got punched because I went to the toilet."

He sighed. Then asked a question I was not expecting at all.

"Trans or gender fluid?"

I was shocked at his question I wasn't expecting him to know about anything.

"Gender fluid."

He made a noise of understanding and then nodded.

"Yeah I get that. The people around here aren't exactly accepting."

I sighed, this case was going to be hard.

"Hey Karter you coming?"

I heard Sam yell down the corridor.

"Yeah give me a minute."

I hollered back.

"I have to go or he'll worry. Thanks for the ice pack."

He smiled.

"If you ever want to talk give me a call, the names Josh."

I smiled again as he handed over a slip of paper with his number on it.


"Karter hurry up!"

I sighed.

"Coming Da... Sam!"

You yelled back hoping that he hadn't noticed what you had called him.

I waved at Josh and walked off down the corridor. I found Sam waiting outside my door. I saw him smile.

"Finished flirting then?"

I punched him in the arm as I felt myself go warm.

"Oh shush."

I heard him chuckle as you opened my door, to see a nice looking room with a huge kind in the centre of one edge. I chucked my bag on the table by the window and looked around the room. There wasn't much else in the room, just a small wardrobe and two doors. I assumed that one was the bathroom but I was puzzled at where the other door went. That was until Dean comes bursting through the door.

They've got weird teethWhere stories live. Discover now