You're not a Winchester until you've died.

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I felt myself smile as it pulled the knife out of Jamie's stomach.

Before I could register what had just happened I saw it drag the knife up my forearm.


The next thing I saw was black smoke and Sam running to me.

"Save her, not me."

Then nothing. Just black.

I woke up in a room surrounded by beeping machines.

Everything hurt.

Jamie. I need to find Jamie.

"Nurse she's awake. Can you help me please?"

Someone that I hadn't noticed was looking at a clipboard then walked over to me.

"Nice to see you up, you've been out about a week, from a suicide attempt."

Jesus all I've been doing recently is been in unconscious states.

"Wait suicide attempt?"

The nurse sighed, but nodded.

"Yes, you slit up your arm, you were lucky your father was there to save you when he did or you would've died."

I nodded.

"Um, where is my dad?"

The door was hurriedly opened and in rushed a flustered Sam.

"Karter! I was so worried, I just went to get coffee I wanted to be here when you woke up."

He said about double speed while sitting down in the seat next to my bed.

I chuckled.

"Calm down, I'm fine."

The nurse tutted.

"Well you aren't fine, you have sever nerve damage in your left arm and will have to either be put in a mental ward until you get better or be under 24/7 supervision and have to come in for therapy every day."

I raised an eyebrow at Sam.

"They'll be coming home with me, my brother is a trained therapist so will be having therapy with him."

The nurse tutted again but walked out of the room anyway.

Before Sam could speak, I butted in.

"Where's Jamie?"

He voided my eyes.

"Sam. Where. Is. Jamie?"

I was crying before I registered what he said.

"They tried to save her, but she died on the operating table."

No. This couldn't be happening. I shook my head, still crying. Sam pulled out an envelope from his pocket.

"They found this in her pocket. It's addressed to you, Karter."

I held my shaking hand out before retracting it changing my mind about reading the letter.

"I can't. It's too fresh."

Sam nodded and put the envelope on my bedside table.

I couldn't keep it in any more. She was gone, I loved her and she's gone, everyone I love is gone.

So I cried. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore. I cried until I couldn't feel anymore.

I cried so much I didn't notice Dean walk in. I cried so much I didn't notice the 4 hours that went by. I cried so much I didn't register when a doctor walked into take vitals twice. I cried so much I didn't notice I was gripping Sam's hand.

They've got weird teethOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant