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Why fellow there people who actually bother reading this. So now I have a working laptop I should supposedly be able to update more but I have exams so I can't guarantee anything but I procrastinate so much that you'll probably get loads :P okay anyway this part is quite short but I thought that as I haven't updated in ages little is better than nothing so here goes :)

What the hell?! Why the hell did I just flinch. I don't think either of the boys saw so I wouldn't get interrogated about it. I looked at both the brothers and saw them talking. I walked over and heard them discussing how many they saw flinch.

"I saw about 8 flinch."

Sam was looking worried as now we had 8 demons on our hands and to make the situation worse they now all knew that we were hunting them.

"If they all know then why the hell aren't the attacking us?"

I joined in the conversation while looking round at all the desks. Sam ran his hand over his face.

"I don't know I've never seen something like this before."

I know

I froze at the voice in my head.

Tell the boys you have to get something from your car. Do it now.

The voice went and I honestly had no idea what the hell was going on so I did the usual thing when you have no idea about something, I ignored it.

"I'm confused Sam, really confused."

I sighed.

"So am I Karter, so am I."

I said go to the car.

"Guys we have a bit of a problem."

Dean, being the only one facing the group of people was the only one to notice that we were now barricaded by the entire office of demons, all of them with black eyes.

"Hello boys."

I turned round to see him standing there as usual in a suit.

"Oh hey Crowley."

Shit why is he here?

He smiled. Then saw a very brief look of shock on his face. I decided not to question it.

I heard a confused noise come out of both the brothers.

"Karter! Long-time no see. How's the little mango?"

I laughed.

"Yeah she's good I think , I haven't seen her in a while but I should be catching up with her soon as she lives about 10 minutes away."

I heard Dean cough.

"Will someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?"

Crowley smiled and gave a small hand gesture in my direction.

"We met on a hunt 2 years ago, Karter was hunting down a rouge demon that I happened to also be hunting and we got there at the same time and for some reason or another we've been friends ever since. Kinda weird really."

I nodded. Then turned to Sam who was looking even more confused than Dean.

"Wait so my kid is friends with the King of Hell?"

He said it more like a question than a statement.

"Wait Karter you're moose's kid?"

I nodded.

"That explains the height then."

I laughed.

"I thought as well that when I found out, also why moose?"

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