It closed 3 years ago.

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"Hello is this Karter Gregson?"

I waved at Sam who was making weird hand gestures at me. While he was walking over I replied.

"Um yes, who is calling please?"

"We're calling from Funeral Care, you are listed in your friend Jamie's will and we need you here to read the will to all the benefactors of her will."

I couldn't talk, she had written a will? She was 19.

"Miss Gregson?"

"Oh yeah sorry um when do you want me to be at your office?"

"If you could be here at 5pm today that would be perfect."

I nodded.

"Okay yeah I'll be there."

Hanging up the phone; I answered Sam who had been stood next to me the entire time.

"Funeral Care I need to be there at 5 for the reading of Jamie's will."

I didn't wait for the response; I needed to run. Walking to my wardrobe I pulled out my old running gear. Pulling it on, I grabbed my keys and walked downstairs.

"I'm going for a run."

As I walked out of the door I nearly walked in to a messy haired Dean and Cas.

"Hey Karter, where are you going?"

I didn't respond I just shoved my ear buds in and started running.

Sam's POV

I had my head in my hands when I heard Dean walk through the door. I looked up before he walked in.

"What's wrong with Karter?"

Seeing a messy haired Castiel I smirked. Well no I snorted because I saw that Dean was even worse.

"Karter needed to run; they have to go to the reading of Jamie's will later."

Nodding they both looked at each other.

"Oh if you two screwed in the impala I'm driving with Jamie for the rest of time."

Smirking at their reaction I walked out of the kitchen. Walking towards the room that I had decided was min for the time we were here. Sitting on the corner of my bed I cried. I cried for Karter. I cried for Jess. I cried for mum. But mainly I cried for Karter. Seeing the person you love die is the worst thing imaginable, but being possessed while it happened and you were the one that stabbed her, I didn't even want to imagine that pain.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and checked the clock.

3 hours. I had been crying for 3 hours. I honestly felt nice; I couldn't remember the last time I cried like that.


I jumped out of bed and pretty much ran downstairs.


Running into the kitchen a panicked Dean jumped up.

"Sam what's wrong?"

I looked around panicked for any sign of Karter.

"Karter. Where are they?"

Dean's eyes widened.

"I thought they were with you."


I grabbed my phone and frantically called Karter.

"What Sam?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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