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I woke up back in the motel. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I felt something rough rub against my eye. I opened them and saw I had a bandage wrapped around my right hand and no ring finger.

I guess I didn't make it then.

I suddenly realised that I don't feel any pain in my nose. Weird, that was killing me earlier. I decided to look in the mirror and see what was going on.


I heard Sam yell at me, sounding surprised. How long was I out?

I was tackled into a hug. I think I made a weird noise as Sam apologised and got off me.

"Sam, why doesn't my nose hurt?"

I looked over at him and saw that he looked more tired than he had before, as if he hadn't slept in days.

He looked at me confused.

"You don't know what happened do you?"

I shook my head.

"I know I turned into a Mohctap but after that I don't remember a thing."

He sighed and his eyes turned sad.

"Basically after you turned you attacked Dean and said something about him being a dick head."

I laughed and Sam looked at me disappointed then carried on.

"You knocked him out then attacked me."

I suddenly didn't feel like laughing anymore.

"You cut my arm badly."

He showed me his arm with a half healed scab on his arm; I was confused as to why it was already mainly healed.

"Before I could do anything else Dean had cut your finger off."

He gestured to your bandage.

"You've been unconscious for a week."

I went wide eyed.

"A WEEK?!"

I was definitely awake now. Sam nodded slowly.

"Yeah we would have taken you to hospital but Cas healed you, he said you wouldn't wake up for a while."

Why the hell could an angel heal you when I'm in here?

I shivered, I had been hearing that voice for a while but I thought it was just imaginary because I was too tired.

"Karter are you cold?"

I shook my head, then realised that I really had to pee.

"Okay Sam nice chat but I really really have to pee."

I got up off the bed and ran to the bathroom. I heard Sam laughing at me.

After I had finished peeing I walked back to my room to see Sam, Dean and Cas all stood around talking in hushed voices. Cas looked up and instantly smiled.

"Nice to see that you are awake Karter."

I smiled.

"Thanks for heling me."

I waved my bandage hand up.

"Anyone know when I can take this off?"

Sam nodded.

"You can take it off today if you want."

I immediately started unwinding the bandage. I looked at my hand; it was weird seeing it without a bit of my finger. At least I could still do everything I needed to do without that finger.

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