ch. 5 "benzo"

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i stopped adding music to the chapters for some reason but im gonna start again bc it like. adds to the experience ?? idK IM LAME BYE

also just a heads up .. its been almost a year since ive really worked on this so ive decided to change the POV to third person because it's just easier to understand and to write

oh and I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my friend kris because he's the coolest B)

A night consisting of little conversation and lots of kissing was in Tweek's happy little memories the next morning. He figured the memories were just dreams lingering on his conscience, as he woke up in a bed rather than beside the pond. A sleepy sigh blew through the blonde's mouth as he started to sit up. The only thought on his mind other than that 'dream' was to get coffee. This was interrupted, of course, by a sleeping form beside him.

Tweek couldn't identify the body, seeing as it was covered completely by the blankets, but it definitely was not Craig. He didn't risk touching it.
Suddenly, movement. A stir, a shuffle, and finally a dirty blonde head popped out from under the covers. The rest of the body was revealed to be tan and freckly, which led Tweek to know exactly who it belonged to.

"Kenny?!" Tweek's emerald eyes were widened as he spoke the name in disbelief. It was at this moment when he realized that he wasn't in his own house at all, but Craig's house. His thin fingers were trembling. Why was Kenny in bed with him? And where was Craig?!

A lazy grin inched it's way onto Kenny's lips as he fully woke up. "Morning, Tweekers," He mumbled and dragged himself off the bed. Tweek cautiously watched every move that Kenny made. "K-Ken..did we...?" The smaller blonde couldn't bring himself to say that words that would make him think of the other like that. Kenny taking away his purity, his innocence...

Kenny smirked. "Fuck? Nah. But I did hear you makin' lots of noise with Craig last ni—"

"Shut your whore mouth, McCormick." A deeper voice boomed from behind Tweek. He backed into the person, knowing it was Craig. Craig's hands snuck their way around the boy's hips in a protective manner.

Kenny sighed, a slight chuckle hidden in there. "Whatever. I gotta find Bebe before she goes back to Clyde's. See ya later lovebirds." And with that, the blonde boy was gone.

Craig let go of Tweek and went to plop down on his bed, giving a silent invitation for Tweek to do the same. The raven didn't need any question to know that Tweek wanted to know what was going on. "..I brought you home from the pond last night. It was late, but I knew you couldn't go back to your house. Kenny and Bebe ended up crashing here because neither of them could go home at such an hour either." He explained and refrained from reaching out and grabbing Tweek's hand. It looked empty just sitting in his lap like that.

Tweek's eyes shot up to Craig's, realizing that last night was not a dream at all. "So you really love me?!" He blurted out, his cheeks flaring pink after. Craig's confirmation came quickly and was not even half as awkward.

"O-Oh my god.." Tweek felt a flutter in his heart. "I love you too." He said, his voice clear for once. It was the first time he'd made it truly obvious that he loves Craig.

And then, like how a moon changes phases, Tweek's curved lips formed a smirk. "So why don't you show me how much you really love me?" He purred.

Craig's piercing blue eyes widened a little at Tweek's unexpected comment. His fingers gripped at the sheets a bit, and he could already feel his pants get tighter. Tweek may have been innocent before...but what did Kenny put in his head?

Drown (Creek)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora