ch. 8 "blue boy"

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For the first time in the past few days, Tweek felt like everything was alright. He had Craig and Bean with him and they really made him feel safe. Sure, there were still a lot of problems that hadn't been solved, but for the time being...Tweek felt okay.

It was a rainy Sunday morning. Tweek and Craig were under the covers, secure in each others arms while Bean slept at the foot of the bed. The blonde boy's eyes were fluttering open and shut as he began to wake up.

The night before, Craig's parents came home and found Tweek and the dog. They reacted negatively at first by raising their voices and threatening to get rid of Bean, however after a few convincing words they calmed down. Tweek was allowed to stay until he could find an apartment or home to rent. Of course, they didn't speak a word about being together..

A stirring noise fully awoke Tweek. He glanced over Craig's body and saw Bean staring at the two of them. Green eyes shifted from the sleeping Craig to the dog as Tweek decided who to give his attention to first.

"...Morning, buddy." The blonde untangled one of his arms from around Craig to pat Bean's head. The dark furred dog nudged Craig's arm with his nose.

"Oh..he's sleeping..." Tweek said softly. "But I'll try and wake him up." The smaller boy felt a grin sneak onto his lips as he crawled on top of Craig.

"Time to get up, s-sleepyhead.." Tweek murmured in Craig's ear before giving it a long lick.
That made Craig's eyes snap open. He groaned as he wiped Tweek's spit off his ear. "Wh...What'd you do that for...?" He mumbled groggily.

Tweek looked down at him with amusement in his eyes. "Oh, it wasn't me.. It was Bean." He gestured to the aforementioned dog who was looking at Craig expectantly.

"Dumb ol' mutt." Craig joked in a grumpy voice, his arm extending to ruffle back the fur on Bean's head.

Tweek couldn't help but notice something off about Craig this morning. He voice was presenting a little more nasally than usual and his movements seemed more lagged, more tired. "C-Craig? Are you getting sick...?" He asked cautiously.

Craig's expression looked almost offended by this question. "Sick?" He spat. "I never get sick." Right after that statement, he groaned and rubbed the temples of his forehead. "Well..okay...I do have a headache." He admitted.

Tweek smiled and got off of him. "I'll get you some pain medicine...I think I'll be able to find it on my own.."
As the blonde was rummaging through different cabinets in search for pain killers, he realized that today he was much more calmer. Even his stuttering had mostly subsided.

Everything just felt right. Tweek was at peace in his body and mind. He felt like he was floating as he brought two pills and a glass of water to his sick boyfriend. "Drink up.." He said softly and pressed a kiss to Craig's forehead.

Admittedly, this behavior was extremely unalike to the normal Tweek attitude. He just felt so calm and it was such a free feeling to finally be without his worries.

"...I love you, Craig." Tweek said suddenly, his eyes meeting with the tired boy's in front of him. "I really do."

Craig raised an eyebrow. He had definitely noted Tweek's weird actions so far today. "Uh...I love you too?" His sentence ended with a questioning tone.

Tweek just shook his head. He was being very silly today. "Let me get back in bed with you so you can rest." The blonde said and burrowed underneath the covers before Craig could object. He popped out of the top of blanket and went back into the former position.  "Nighty night..." He murmured.

Tweek finally felt calm enough to where he could sleep without worrying about every mistake he's made.


chapter song - blue boy by mac demarco

heyyyyyy I don't like this chapter lolol...

double update today if you're also reading my k2 fic (which you should!)

ayyyy it's also like 2 am and I'm tired so bye !!

— morgan 💫

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