ch. 10 "waiting game"

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Craig supposed there could be such a thing as being too settled in. Of course he was happy that Tweek felt comfortable enough to live freely in his home, however it's proved to have some unusual effects. 

It was around 2 in the afternoon on an easy Saturday and Tweek was still snoozing in a cocoon of white sheets. Craig didn't really mind; there's no harm in a few extra hours of sleep on the weekend. But Tweek has been a bit weird lately. He's found taking cat naps often and when he's awake he seems to be in a daze. Not to mention the strange behaviors consisting of unwarranted rage and sadness. 

"Lunchtime!" Craig's mother's shrill voice called from downstairs. As much as he didn't want to leave his Tweek in his comfy haven of a bed, he also didn't want to risk upsetting his short fused parents. They had always been quite tempered people by nature and Craig liked to mess with that before he was with Tweek. 

"Is Tweek still asleep?" His mother asked as she utilized the knife she was using to spread jelly on bread for cutting his PB&J sandwich in two triangular halves. He knew it was made for him because Tweek was allergic to peanut butter. 

"Yeah. He's been sleeping a lot more than usual," Craig answered, eagerly grabbing the finished sandwich from off the counter. It was awfully strange that Tweek could find the time to relax so much, considering his past of insomnia and anxiety. The boy mulled on the thought while chewing on his food.

His mom sighed and shook her head. "You'd think that boy would be up all hours of the day, what with his crazy twitching and all."


Tweek arose about an hour later, his frizzy blonde hair an even bigger nest than it was before his slumber. His eyes were sunken in more than usual, as if he hadn't gotten enough rest despite the hours on top of hours he spent in a slumber. 

"Morning," Craig said when Tweek meekly appeared at the bottom of the stairs. The smaller boy returned the gesture with a moody grunt and proceeded into the kitchen for his usual cup of joe.  The coffee machine grumbled and spat the steaming liquid in his mug as Craig's mother asked Tweek if he'd like creamer or sugar. "No," He mumbled. "I take it black, always." Mrs. Tucker stood bewildered as he trudged out. 

The TV droned with words spoken by unknown voices. Craig wanted the break the awkward silence between him and Tweek, who was nestled against the opposite side of the couch, absently sipping his coffee. "Uh, do you wanna help me feed Clover, or something?" Craig asked with an uneasy glance towards his boyfriend. Clover was Craig's second guinea pig. Once Stripe died, it was incredibly hard for him to move on from his childhood friend. Then Clover came into the picture. She had ginger colored fur, big eyes, and an odd liking towards people. When Craig saw her at the pet store, he fell in love and took her home almost immediately. 

"...Yeah, sure." The words coming out of Tweek's mouth didn't match his expression, however he still stood up and led himself up the stairs without waiting for Craig. This behavior was so out of character for him. Craig couldn't help but wonder if something he did caused this sudden shift of attitude. After grabbing a bag of lettuce from the fridge, he hurried up the stairs.

Clover was already at the entrance of her cage at the sight of people. She squeaked excitedly at the two boys, causing Craig to crack a half smile. No matter how weird Tweek was acting, this would always make him feel better. He opened the cage door and let her crawl out onto the table. "You can hold her if you want." Craig said as he tried to get the bag of lettuce open, but Tweek just sat there as stoned faced as a statue. 

"You've been acting kinda weird, y'know..." Craig mumbled without eye contact. They were both sitting on his bed after feeding the guinea pig. Tweek didn't answer for few moments, just sat with his eyes fixed on the floor. "I haven't. I'm just tired. I think I'm gonna take a nap-" His sentence was cut off by Craig grabbing him by the shoulders and looking at him intensely. "No. You're gonna tell me what's wrong with you right now." His voice was strong and piercing to Tweek's fragile feelings. The blonde tried to wiggle out of his hard grip but was too weak. "C-Craig, you're hurting me..." He whimpered, tears starting to well up in his eyes.

Craig didn't give in. "Tell me." His eyes felt like they were burning a hole through Tweek. 


"Tell me!" The back of Craig's hand hit against Tweek's cheek with a hard slap. Tears spilt over the red welt seconds after. The larger boy's chest was burning with rage, the smaller's with fear and guilt. 

Tweek finally wrestled out of Craig's grip and raced out of the room before he could be hurt again.

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