ch. 3 "the city"

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Did Craig just say he loved me?! No way, he just meant that in a friendly sense. There's no way he could feel like that about me. I wriggled my way out of his arms. The offer he made, for me to stay at his home, was tempting. But wouldn't his parents get mad about me arriving without saying anything? What if they get mad at Craig? Oh god, what if they kick Craig out too?! I suddenly realize I'm trembling intensely. This anxiety is beginning to get out of control. My eyes were darting all over the place, but they fixed on Craig for a moment. He looked worried. I had to get out of here. My throat was tight and it felt like the trees were closing in on me.

Without warning, I darted in the direction I came from. I didn't look back. Grabbing the bag that I had to quickly pack when my parents kicked me out, I hastily looked for a hiding place that I could stay in until this panic attack subsided. Finally, I caught sight of dark place underneath a tree. I ran toward it. Footsteps were coming from behind me but I kept going. I did not need Craig to see me like this. The tree had long, droopy branches that were covered with snow. I slipped behind the trunk and sat down shakily. My heart was racing and I was struggling to get air into my lungs. I buried my face in my knees. Oh, what I would do for a nice cup of coffee right now.

Unfortunately, Craig caught up to me about 5 minutes later. He was panting softly when he plopped down next to me. "Look, I should've known I was gonna freak you out." He said quietly. I took in a long, trembly breath. "Y-Yeah.." I managed. I wouldn't tell him to go away. Him being there sort of calmed me down. My heart slowed to its usual pace and I lifted my head back up. Thank god that was over. Craig was looking at me, but I wouldn't look back. I wasn't mad at him. I was embarrassed and upset that I ran from him.

"Fuck it." I mumbled under my breath. I rested my head against his shoulder despite still avoiding eye contact. Craig smirked. "Did you just swear?"
My face turned red. "W-Whatever."
Craig pulled me in kissed me suddenly. The short lived steadiness of my heart was gone. Oh god oh god oh god oh god. I'm gonna mess this up, I'm gonna-
But then it was over. Craig drew back. "Sorry." His face was red as well. I didn't know what was going through my mind, but I kissed him again.
And then, we were making out.

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