Chapter One: The Art of Stealing (From Your Mother)

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((I hate author's notes, but I promise this one is important and will be the only one: I'm currently in the process of editing/rewriting, so I know about grammar mistakes and the terrible terrible dialogue between Axe and his mom and hopefully I'll have that all cleaned up after it's been revised! Because yeah, serious cringe on my part XD))

The Glass of Water visits everyone at some point in life. The Glass tells them what they need to do to find happiness. It visited Axe Dawn when he was four. It figured that if it didn't tell the boy soon he would make his own destiny. That's never good. So The Glass told Axe that his destiny was to solve the mystery of The Golden Curse. That should keep him busy, The Glass thought.

Now Axe Dawn was nearly twenty-four years old and was quite proud of that fact. He saw each year as a trophy, as a way to say "look at that, I survived yet another year". People in neighboring lands would think him insane, but not the people of Emanon. They knew that with The Golden Curse and witches and monsters on the loose, every year was a thing to celebrate. But Axe had one thing to brag about that most people didn't, he had known his purpose in life for twenty years. Most people wait years and years for The Glass of Water to visit them, but Axe had been on his mission since the beginning.

But he knew he'd need help. He'd been preparing since he was young and now he was ready to do what needed to be done. He knew he'd need help from the best of the best to complete this task. He'd need Lord Radical, famed hero and anthropologist. Word was he lived in a neighboring town and would do anything for a good clumsiti (a type of candy usually reserved for the middle class as it was deemed unworthy for proper mouths). Axe's mother was a retired chef and he knew he could snag a few clumsitis from her basement since she had taken them from the kitchens for years when she worked at her restaurant.

As Axe approached his mother's house, he pulled out a small kite. He stepped up to the wall and flew the kite up so it could be seen from the upstairs window. A face appeared at the window and looked down with a smile.

"Well, come on in, hun!" his mother chimed. Axe pulled the kite down and started climbing the wall towards the window. He hated his mother's wall, it was all crumbling and hard to climb. But I say he deserves it for planning on stealing candy from her. Anyway, as Axe reached the window he swung his legs in and gave his mother a hug.

"Hello," he said sweetly. "How goes life?"

"Oh, quite well! I've just been doing some laundry." She paused a moment before continuing. "And how is the quest?" Axe's mother was quite proud of the fact that her son was a hero. Unlike her friends' children, her son was destined for greatness.

"Oh, you know, I'm still working on it," he replied absently, looking towards the pulley system that lead to the basement. "I actually came to look for some of my old stuff, do you mind if I head into the basement?"

"Sure, just don't bump the food around," she smiled at him once more and then headed into the other room to finish up her laundry.

Axe made his way into the basement via the pulley system and looked around for the clumsitis. Surely they were there somewhere. He looked through box after box after box. Scarfs, bottles, napkins, chairs. Where was the damn candy?

Ten boxes and thirteen curse words later, he had found the stash. He dug through the large box and picked out seven clumsitis and stuffed them into his pockets. He glanced around making sure the boxes were in approximately the same position and then took the pulley up.

"Find what you were looking for, hun?" his mother asked as he came up.

"Oh, uh, yep," Axe smiled at her, she had never been good at telling lies from the truth.

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