Chaptered Six: Particularly Miffed

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Nadex was not enjoying her current predicament. No one was answering her questions clearly. It couldn't be that hard to find a simple magic ring, Nadez thought. Though I suppose it should be noted that Nadex's version of that thought included many words of the swear variety. Nadex quite enjoyed words like that, don't ask me why. Personally, I believe it had something to do with the feeling of power it gave her. But that's purely speculation, you may come to whatever conclusions you want. Perhaps you think she had a traumatic past in which her parents were alcoholics who taught her to read with those types of words. Perhaps you think she likes to be contrary. Perhaps you think she just thought they were funny. Or sad. Or maybe you don't have a reason and you don't care.

"This narrator is crazy," you may be saying to yourself. And I wouldn't blame you. I'll let you in on a secret, I'm incredibly crazy that I could be telling his story all wrong. But you know the best thing about being a narrator? You can say whatever you want and people have to accept it as fact if they want to understand what's happening. I could say that the people of Emanon all wear pants on their heads and socks on their arms and they celebrate a holiday called Toidgnd dfogndfogn dogjdfogj dojfdogj which highlights the life of a flea on the royal cat. And you, my readers, would have to say to yourselves, "it must be true."

I could be telling a normal story about normal people. But, hell, this is so much more fun, wouldn't you agree? "Alright, alright, you have a god complex," you're most likely saying, "can we get on with the story now? I'm at least more interested in Nadex than you." And my answer to you, unfortunately for me, is yes. Back to the story!
As I was saying, Nadex was frustrated by the lack of people who knew things about this ring she had to find. Where were the people who knew things about it? Noa and Arrigo might know, but that would involve talking to Noa and Arrigo. She was considering the pros and cons of talking to who she had decided to refer to as Nogo for the time being (even though they weren't a couple and therefore didn't really deserve a strange ship name) when Axe came and tapped her shoulder.

"Excuse me, but I am quite miffed with you, Miss Villain Chick With The Ugly Eyes And Puce Cloak!" Axe hoped that was menacing enough. He was working on his menacing stare, and in his opinion, it was getting quite good.

"Miffed?" Nadex started laughing so hard tears came to her eyes. This boy was funnier than she thought. "First of all, who fucking uses 'miffed' in actual conversation? I mean, shit, that's hilarious. You should be a fucking comedian, that's what you should be. Good Glass, that was too funny. Anyway, I have other points to make...once I stop laughing at miffed.." she cleared her throat and started again. "Hmm, okay, here we go again. I have words for you. First, my eyes are not ugly and puce is a perfectly good color for a cloak. You're the one with the fucking pinstripe suit. Second, my name is Nadex. Third, I'm looking for a ring and I can't waste my damn time talking to you about how miffed you are," she burst into laughter again. "Miffed. I mean, that's fuck-"

"Enough with making fun of my vocabulary choices!" he shouted at her. This was not going at all the way he had planned. He wanted her to apologize and say how wrong it was of her. He wanted some sense that he had been in the right and she had not. But instead, she laughed at him and mocked his use of the word miffed. Which, in his opinion, was much preferable to fuck. But since this seemed to be her language, he would have to adapt. "I don't give a fuck," he said with what he hoped was a serious tone. "I don't give a fuck about your fucking ring. Do you know who I am? I'm Axe Dawn and someday I will break the curse on this town and you will see me as a hero. That's right, a hero. Not because The Glass of Water told me I was one, which It did, but because I'm fucking awesome and I'm tired of having everyone walking all over me and keeping me from eating my tomatoes! I just want some fucking tomatoes! That's right! I said tomatoes!"

Nadex started at him for a moment. And another. And another. Someone had changed his tune. But how to react, that was the real question. But since Nadex was Nadex, she reacted the way any reasonable person would. She laughed.

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