Chapter Nine: Everyone Enjoys a Good Breakfast

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Time passed in the land of Emanon. Two years, in fact. I hate to skip ahead on you like this, but it's important for my story that I tell you everything that's important. And, you see, while the stuff that happened in those two years was important, I don't have time to go through all the details of it. I'm a busy me. I know, I know you don't like it, but it must be done! How about this, I'll cut you a deal. I'll explain everything that happened briefly.

Axe, Jazmine and Aziza had been trying in vain to break the curse. They thought it be easy when Katana was gone, but she had come back and was protecting the curse as strongly as ever. They still tried, but they were getting tired of trying and hiding since they had Aziza with them. One positive did come of this though, the three of them had become good friends.

On to Arrigo and Treysa! After Nadex's incident, Arrigo and Treysa looked after the birds and that became a family of sorts. After Nadex had been gone for a month, they moved on and they hadn't settled since then. They traveled all over, looking for the people who had left them. The birds missed Nadex, though they liked Treysa quite a bit, and Treysa still wanted to find her sister. Arrigo didn't know who he was looking for, he was still lost, but he made it his purpose to care for Treysa and the birds.

Nadex hadn't shown up since she left two years ago. No one knew where she was or what she was doing or what was wrong with her. Not even I can tell you that.

Liii had become queen recently, but her plan couldn't come into action because she was only thirteen. She was beginning to doubt her plan though. Her condition had improved greatly in that two years though. A new doctor came and gave her a treatment that cleared up most her symptoms. Since she was able to hold conversations regularly (her symptoms only came back when she was in great pain), people talked to her and she was forced to realize that she was probably real. What a pity.

Now, I'm ready to move on, how about you? Great! Now the only question is, who do we start with? I guess Jazmine, Axe, and Aziza since I started with them in the summaries.

"Breakfast!" Aziza was the only one who could cook, but she didn't think it was fair for her to do all the cooking, so they took turns. But whenever it was Aziza's turn everyone would run right over to the table. Unfortunately, today was Jazmine's day to make breakfast and while she claimed she was better than Aziza, Axe and Aziza couldn't disagree more.

"Aziza! Axe! Get down here, we have stuff to do. Oh, fine," she sighed and walked upstairs. She walked into Axe's room where he was sprawled out on the bed and threw a pillow at him.

"Get up! We have work to do and you're still sleeping, it's nearly six."
"Go away."
"Fine, fine, I'll be down in a minute."
On to the next room. Jazmine went into Aziza's room (aka the guest room, since they lived in Axe's house) and threw a pillow at her as well.

"What the-" Aziza screamed and fell off the bed.

"Time for breakfast," Jazmine laughed and headed back downstairs.

When everyone was downstairs and seated at the small wood table, Jazmine served everyone toast with raspberries and then handed them both coffee. At first glance, everything looked delicious. The toast was a nice golden-brown and the raspberries were a beautiful red. Axe's coffee was drowned in cream and Aziza's seemed to have a small bit of sugar. Just they way they liked. Aziza bit into her toast. Axe took a sip of coffee and-

"Did you put soap in this coffee?" Axe asked while trying not to gag.

"I think you burnt the other side of the toast," said Aziza. "Still, better than usual."
"There's no soap!" Jazmine said. "And I didn't burn anything. Black toast happens to be my favorite kind of toast."

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