Chapter Three: All About Tomatoes

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Now on to someone you haven't met yet. I think you'll like her, though, her name is Jazmine Law and while she is a bit arrogant, she's quite nice. She was visited by The Glass of Water when she was eleven. It told her she would need to kill the monster that terrorised her village. Jazmine was already planning on doing that, but The Glass knew that it was no good for people to believe they could do what they want. What would be the purpose of The Glass if people thought they could do whatever they wanted? There wouldn't be one, so whenever It sensed someone wanted to do something, it came to them and proclaimed it as their destiny. And so that was how Jazmine knew she would kill Sheol, the monster of Emanon. It had killed her mother when she was young and she was quite happy that this was her destiny because she hated that damn monster. She hated it with every fiber of her being and she wanted it dead. Dead as her mother was after Sheol had torn her lungs out of her chest.

Jazmine knew she could do it. The question wasn't if she could do it or how she could do it, it was when she would do it. She had been preparing, but it wasn't quite time yet. She still needed to help some other people before she could do what she needed to do. What she wanted to do. It was simple really, just a duel. But she needed the damn curse broken before she could have a fair fight. She would need accomplices too. She didn't want them, but she had seen herself with a few others in The Glass of Water. Since that's what it foretold, that was what she would need to do. It didn't matter what she wanted, not when it came to killing Sheol.

So here she was, heading toward Katana's cave. She knew she'd have to outwit the old witch somehow, she just wasn't sure how yet. She knew she had to get the witch to eat some tomatoes. They were the main source of goodness in people, everyone knew it. You didn't have to eat them every day, but most people did. Not Katana though, she had never had a tomato once in her life. It made her quite evil. At least Jazmine assumed that was what made her evil. So she headed toward Katana with a tomato in her pocket, a fierceness in her determination, and a purpose in her step. It was important to have purpose. If you acted like you knew what you were doing, the world would probably think so too and therefore you would succeed.

Once Jazmine found the cave, she saw that someone was already there. Being the intelligent woman she was, Jazmine hid and listened in on the conversation they were having.

"I'm Axe Dawn! I am a hero! I have come to outwit you and force you to break the curse," a boy seemed to be saying.

"Oh, is that so? Well, good luck with that. I am keeper of The Golden Curse, I won't break it. Truth be told, I'm not sure if I know how."

"Break it!" The boy shouted, brandishing a stick in her face.

"While I'm sure that's quite effective," Jazmine interrupted, coming out from behind a rock, "perhaps you could give me a go? I know what I'm doing."

"So do I!"

"No, you don't. You don't even have a tomato!"

"Tomato! No!" Katana cried hideously. "I hate those disgusting vegetables."

"Shove this in her mouth!" Jazmine threw the tomato at Axe who was closer to the witch. He tried to shove it her mouth, but she kept her mouth closed. Axe pinched her nose to cut off her air supply and she kicked him. Hard.


"Oh, for G's sake! Put it in her mouth!" Jazmine was quite irritated with this boy. She picked up the tomato from the ground and ran to the witch. She made a noise and ran towards the witch with the tomato in her hand.

"Eat the damn tomato!" She screamed. Katana pushed her hand out of the way and took the opportunity to throw something that looked like a basket at her head.

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