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"Do you know where the east wing is?" I ask, tucking my folders underneath my forearm. The women behind the desk, stares at me unsure, but quickly turns to check the small map tacked to her desk.

"East wing is down the hall second door." She tells me and I thank her, making my way down the hall.

I'm in scrubs, my usual work apparel, but here it seems like I am out of  uniform. I tug on the hem of my shirt hoping to make it disparate but it's not going anywhere.

I come to the door, inside sits a whole plethora of students, all watching the professor, and not one of them is in scrubs.

Have I gotten the wrong wing?

I look to my phone, scrolling down through the constant emails, a voice causing me to jump.

"Hey, are you looking for someone." I turn, removing my phone from my face.

"Oh," I mumble, looking to the classroom and then to him. Brooding and dark. "I was looking for the nursing unit, but I think I've had a mix up." He steps closer, going to grab the folders from my arms.

"May I?" I nod, handing them to him.

"It says here, that you should be on the top floor wing. So just take the elevator up." He hands them back smiling, his green eyes like fire, an intense fire.

"Thank you." I smile.

"No problem."

"By the way, my name is Tyson, if you need anything you could come by my office."

"Office?" I ask, stepping back. He doesn't look old enough to work here.

"I'm a student director." He says and I nod.

"Well I'm Piper. It was nice to meet you."

"Yeh you too."

I stare at him, at the edge of the bed, his shirt now on me. He hasn't spoken in at least a half an hour but I don't mind. I would rather him be silent.

"So what happened today?" His voice is tough.

"What?" I ask, looking up at him but his back is still to me, even then I know every expression his face could contort. I know that sad little face he makes when he's trying to minipulate me. I know exactly what makes him him, and I know I don't want him anymore.

"You honestly thought you could just rat me out and I'd go away?" He turns now, his face red and wet from tears. "I'm never going away, you're mine. No one else's, you may be an unreliable whore but you're mine."

I look up from my knees at him, unsure what to say, "You're not getting away with this, you should know that. You can't hold me up here forever."

"I'll do what I want. You're gonna stop me? You couldn't even save yourself what made you think you could save him." His eyes are cold and I know he's saying this to hurt me, discourage me from running off but that won't happen.

"You let him die, you're the reason your precious Louis is de-" before he can finish his taunt I'm on my knees flying forward, my fist pumbling his face over and over again.

He grabs ahold of my wrist and jerks me backwards, making me fall on my back and then he's on top of me; his hands constricting around my throat until I can't breath.

I claw at his hands, drawing blood and tearing skin, and all I can think is they'll find my body with his blood under my fingernails and at least he'll go to prison for me. Louis might not get justice but at least he'll be put away.

"Why do you do this to me? Why do you make me do this!" He screams and finally let's up. I gasp for air, grabbing at my throat.

"I'm leaving, Tyson!" I cry, pressing my back flatter against the wall. "I think it's time we just stopped this!"

"Your not going anywhere!" He screams.

"They know what you did!"

"Shut up, Piper!"

I hold my tongue, looking at him in utter disgust.

"Please, just stop talking." He cries, placing his face in his hands." I love you but, you have to understand that I do these things because I love you." He goes to touch my neck but I push him away.

"Don't touch me! Ever again!"

"Just be with me one more night, just sleep here and you can go in the morning." The sadness in his eyes does not effect me at all but all I can think about is leaving.

"Please, Pipes." He wallows.

"Okay," I say. "I'll stay the night."

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