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FoolsTroye Sivan

NinaEd Sheeran

Louis, stops at a chain linked fences, his chucks pressing the long silver bar aside and gesturing me through. I pull the hood of my jacket over my head and duck down, nipping my jeans on the jagged wires. I replace his foot with my hand and help him through, when we stand together I finally notice the house looming in front of us, and the pain in my thigh where the fence cut through.

"Dean's?" I question and Louis nods, taking my hand in his.

"Dean's." He marches up the ice covered cobblestone pathway up to the door and pounds...hard.

"Dee!" His voice rattles me to the point I have to let go of his hand and look around. The area is clear but I can't help but think that someone will see us. That is until the door finally flies open and we're being whisked inside.

"What the hell?" The shirtless bombshell yells, slamming the door behind us. He looks at me and then at Louis with anger on his face.

"Why the fuck are you still in town?"

"Tyson was there with the feds," he tells him, moving around the kitchen like a mad man. "We ran and this was the first place I thought to look."

"Do they know you came here?" He asks, checking the white blinds and I shake my head feverishly.

"No. No one saw us." Upon hearing my voice he stops, turning to face me.

"You're Piper?"I nod weakly, offended by his tone which comes across as condensing. "The whole reason we are in this bullshit?" His blacken fingers thrust his chest as he says 'we' and I can't help but raise an irritated eybrow.

"We? Who they hell are you?" I snap. But Louis send me and apologetic glare.

"He doesn't mean it Pipes."

"The hell I do."

"Do you know me?"

"I've heard things." He says, wiping the invisible saliva from his chin.

"And what have you heard about me?" At this point I'm getting irratted with him and I've known him for 2 minutes.

"Well for starters, your an egotistical bitch-"

"Dean!" Louis screams, sending daggers into his face. His posture settles as they stare at each other, Dean finally apologizing.

"You're right I don't know you. Hell, I'm sorry." I nod but I don't say anything.

After a few moments of silence Louis clears his throat.

"So what's next?"

"Well you can't go out there, you'll be in custody before the days end."

"We can't stay here." He says and a rumbling comes from Dean's throat.

"You stayed here while everyone went on a man hunt for you, you can stay here now."

So this is where Louis was while I was in that sleezy hotel room with Tyson. Dean kept him safe while I waited for him to come rescue me. I should be thanking him but right now I'm pissed at his wild assumption of me.

I mentally slap myself for ever thinking I could get away from him. Our nights spent in the hotel comes crawling back to me, his words violating my mind, "I'm never going away, you're mine."

Just the sound of his voice in my head gives me unwanted quivers and I try pressing my lips together to contain the whimper but I can't.

They both turn to look at me, fear in Louis' eyes and concern in Dean's.

"What's wrong?" Louis asks, startled. He starts to walk closer to me but I hold my hands out.

"It's nothing, I promise. I just...I feel gross from all the running and everything." I lie.

"I'm sure Gina has some clothes you can borrow." Dean offers and now I'm satisfied with his aid.

"Come with me," he instructs and I follow him around the hall and upstairs. We step into a room decorated in farm animals and hues of pink. The only sign of adult life are the clear bins of clothes and the queen sized mattress in the corner.

He opens the bin and ruffles around throwing a shirt in my direction and some shorts.

"You can take a shower, if you want." He says, and I nod holding the clothes to my chest. "And look I really am sorry about in the kitchen. Louis' basically my brother and I can't have you ruining his life."

"A little to late for that right?" I laugh dryly.

"It's never too late." He says and walks out of the room, leaving me to stand with my tail between my legs.

I began to undress, moving my fingers through the horrible snarles in my hair. I haven't seen myself in a mirror since my second days in the hotel with Tyson and I'm too afraid to look.

I'm too afraid to function right now. I'm afraid that if I get in this shower I might never get out, and that scares me also. I'm afraid that I didn't even mind pulling off my jeans with
a wound in my thigh, and usually I'd cringe afraid of the thought of such pain. I'm so afraid that Tyson will take me away from Louis.

I'm just...afraid.

The feeling of the hot water on my skin sends me into euphoria, even as it stings my bruised arms I'm ok. I've come to terms that my arms will forever be coated with greens and purples. My legs have yet to feel the throbbing of a fist but are very familiar to the scratches reddening my skin. I dab at the blood running down my leg and painfully shoves it under the stream of water, hissing in pain.

I wash my hair, making sure to rub away the black circles of eyeliner from around my eyes.

Tyson is standing in front of me. Holding a towel out.

"You might want to come with me."

"Why?" I yell, as he jabs the towel at me violently and I take it from his hand. The blood on his face is blinding me as he starts to push me away from my home.

"Where's Louis, Ty?" I already know the gruesome truth but I have to hear him say it.

"Just go." He says sternly, grabbing at my waist so I can't twist my way back.

"Tell me what you did with him, Tyson. Just tell me please." Finally we stop and he pushes me into the side of the house, his hand squeezing my jaw.

"You want to know what I did with him? Hmm?" From his pocket he removes a black gun, waving it in my face.

"I shot your pretty boy, is that what you want to hear? Now walk." I search his eyes for any compassion but all I find is the blood of Louis, speckled all over his face.

"Walk!" He screams grabbing at my arm.

"Piper!" Louis screams in my face, pushing my hair from my cheek. I'm looking up at him, the water spraying me in the face, because somehow I'm on the bathtub floor.

"Piper?" He says, bringing his voice down as I begin to come back to reality. "Are you okay?"

"I thought he-" I don't know what to say, not to him, not right now. "I was just-" he stares at me caringly, touching my cheek and I jump slightly.


"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I don't know." I sigh and he takes my arm, pulling me up.

"Let's get you out of here." His arm comes under my legs and he throws the giant towel over my body.

He kisses my forehead and lays me on the bed, pulling my wet hair behind my ear.

"I've ruined you." He says.

"It's a little to late for that."

{ btw Dean in this chapter is literally Dean Winchester if you are a supernatural fan like me you'll swoon!} ♡♡♡

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