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"Go! Go! Go!" I scream to Gina who stumbles over a boxed Christmas tree, I don't blame her. I don't get mad at her because I can barely see in front of me, it's so dark in the cellar and it feels like the further we move the smaller it gets.

"Got her!" I hear as an arm twists around my waist and I'm being pulled backwards.

"Theo, grab the other one!" I let my body go limp as he slings me over his shoulder and back towards the hole in the ceiling.

"You can't run away from me, Pipes. It doesn't work that way." Once were back in the familiarity of the kitchen he throws me onto the floor. I see Gina's body come flying up and her head smacks me right in the leg. I cry out in pain and she doesn't move.

"Gina?" I cry out. My hands shoots out to grab at her wrist, checking to see if she still has a pulse- she does.

"I'm gonna make an example of you. Okay?" I scramble to my feet as he corners me between the door, leading outside and the living room entrance. My eyes subtly dart towards the door. I've tried to run so many times only to end up here again. Awaiting Tyson's torture before the real thing.

The big showdown he anticipates between him and Lou.

I've saved him, he doesn't know that yet. I called him before he could harm my Lou, he'll be far gone.

The big one, Theo m, grabs Gina and places her on her knees. She's still out cold, but he pulls her up anyway, placing a gun to her head.

"No, no, no, stop!" I scream, my voice cracking. Tyson looks at me curiously, dragging his fingers down my jawline and cupping my neck with his palm.

"Why shouldn't I? She ratted you out and you still want to save her?"

"She did it because she thought she was protecting someone. I get that."

"You do, huh? Kinda like you went through all this trouble to protect Lou. You betrayed me, and I loved you more than he could."

"Never." I say under my breath but he's so close to me he can hear everything.

"Never?" He laughs. "You were nothing before me, I gave you everything! Money, excitement, love."

"Just kill me." I cry out, my throat tensing under his grip. This makes both of them laugh, Tyson shakes his head and then turns back to me. "I plan on it, very slowly. I don't want to rush things- but in the mean time..." His fist collides with my stomach, sending any air I was harboring inside, spewing out in coughs. His other hand grabs at my hair and he throws me to the floor, punching me and kicking.

"You've always worried about his little heart. Have you stopped to wonder why I'm so damaged!" He kneels down, pulling his pants legs up. "You were supposed to save me. I though you could do anything, you were so perfect and then-," the shimmer of tears on his cheeks melts my heart for just one second and then I have to think about what's happening right now. How wrong this is and the fact that I shouldn't feel an ounce of guilt.

"You were everything to me, but you were giving it all to him. You never loved me." Another kick to the chest. Grabbing me by my hair he pulls me more into the kitchen and away from the door, my sweats slipping from my legs in the process.

Gina is conscious now and on her knees, the gun still pressed to her scalp. Tyson gets me on my knees and does the same.

"Now we wait."

"For Lou?"

"Who else would we be waiting for love?"

"He's not coming back! I called him I told him everything!" I try to hide my shaking voice but it's no use, nothing matters right now.

"If you're here he'll be right around the corner." I shake my head, looking down at my knees.

The screen door, bangs shut and when I look up Louis is standing in the door way. The panic sets in immediately.

"Louis, no!" He's gonna kill you baby.

"Look who made it to the show." He chuckles.

"You got me, alright? You have me so let them go. She has nothing to do with this. I do, just me." His voice is almost a whimper as he begs for my life and Gina's.

Tyron's face is expressionless. 

"She has just as much to do with this as you do. You know that? I shot you in that bedroom. How are you still alive?"

Louis shrugs and shakes his head.

"How are you still alive!" He screams and the whole room shakes.

"I don't know, I don't know. You just grazed me I guess."

"Well I guess this time I have to perfect my aim." I see his hand move toward Gina and from behind me the loud bang and heat from the gun sounds off. Her blood is hot on my skin, and the sound of her body hitting the tile is deafening.

"Tyson, stop. Please." I sob, scooting away from the dead Gina beside me.

"You're turn." He points the gun to Lou and I shut my eyes.

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