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I rest my head against the dashboard of his car. My hands are tied behind my back, cutting at the skin there but just barely enough for me to notice it. I'm more focused on the blindfold across my face and the smell of Louis' cologne on my back, he's limp against my body due to the nasty blow Tyson delivered across his head.

He's alive though.

He took his gun pulled the trigger three times but every time the only thing we were left with was the click of the empty cartridge.

Instead he insisted on taking us down to the river, a few miles from Deans house.

They are in the backseat, laying side by side- I insisted on it and he obliged. They should at least be with each other now since they weren't when he so ill-heartedly decided to pull his trigger and murder both of them.

I can feel every bump we go over and every jab Louis lays into my rib cage. I wince in pain trying to roll beside him and give him some room to move around but it's useless.

Tyson sings along to some song on the radio and all I want to do is scream! I've been going through this torture for five hours and all he can do is rock out to Five Seconds of Summer.

You just killed two people and you're about to make it four, how is this so enthralling for you.

"What was that?" He clears his throat and the music goes silent.


"I thought you'd start begging for Lou's life right about now."

"No." I say monotone. "I mean does it really matter, you're gonna kill us either way."

"You're right." He chuckles. "But it's cute."

"You're sick." I shake my head, wanting to roll my eyes at him but he wouldn't see it anyway.

"You made me sick with your twisted little love triangle and the sad way you never helped me but you were always there for him."

"Cry me a fucking river, Ty!" I feel the car suddenly stop and I'm being thrown against the windshield.

"Don't fucking call me, Ty. You have no right!"

"You're a god damn psychopath!"

"You think?!" He screams, hitting the gas and we both go sliding back into the seat. "I like to think before meeting me you were a nice girl who didn't like to hurt anyone."

"I don't."

"But you are- you've hurt me countless amounts of times and now this is the result."

I ignore him, swallowing the bile rising inside my mouth, "I was a nice girl."

"How nice?"

"You want to be surgeon?" My mom asks me, tears brimming her eyes and her hand covering her mouth.

"It's not that big of a deal." I tell her, looking away cause I know once I see her crying I will regret my whole decision.

"You're gonna leave you're mama and move 600 miles across the country for some school?"

"It's just in London, I'll be only a few hours from you. I can visit whenever I want to, you know that. And the university is nice- it'll be my only chance."

She huffs and I finally get the courage to look at her wet face. I've never seen her cry besides after the occasional chick flick that she can't seem to stay away from. This is different though. This is painful.

stone blueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora