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"What's your name, ms?" I look to the women wearing to much makeup. Her eyes are warm and planted on me to, to make me feel warm too?

I don't know.

I stay quiet, mostly because i have no words to say, my mouth is tied shit and my tongue heavy.

"Can you say your name?" I shake my head.

"Why not?"

I shrug.

She sighs, shifting in her chair, the folder sliding down her legs.

"I know what you've been through has been thematic but we can't help you unless you help us. Now sweetie, what's your name?"

I bite on my blistered lips, opening my mouth- but nothing comes out.

Is my voice gone?



She leans in closer as I clear my throat.

"Piper." I manage, the piercing in my throat only getting more intense the more I speak.

"Piper. What's your last name?"


"Great. Thank you honey, no more talking. Rest well. I'll be back." She nods, grabbing the folder from her lap and standing to her feet she turns to leave but I stop her.

"Wait! " I shout, we'll try to at least.


I clear my throat, "did you find him?"


"My Louis. My fiancé."

I was the anguish and pure dread wash over her face as she bites her lip and sits beside me again.

"Piper we found him, but- he was already gone. He had already drowned and the water had froze his body- we tried to resuscitate him but it was too late."

I look up at the ceiling, letting the tears run down my cheeks. I thought maybe I was wrong- maybe he was still alive. Maybe he got out before I could grab him, maybe just maybe but now that she's confirmed it...

I can't breath. There's an elephant on my chest and its crushing my lungs and I don't think I've ever been this way before.

We were supposed to grow old together, we were supposed to leave this town and go away- forever. It wasn't supposed to end like this.

"I'm sorry." She tells me squeezing my hand.

I grab at my chest, letting my body shake as I let the last of my sobs escape me.

"Are you sure it's him? Are you positive?"

"We're positive."

"...thanks." I breath. "Can you go please?"

"Yes of course."  I hear her heels on the floor and then finally the sound of door clicking shut.

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