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Gina has been talking non-stop through the movie and I've been watching the door like some stray hoping that Louis will walk through, because the stress is killing me.

I'll be back, I promise.

It's been two hours and I haven't had as much of a call from him and he told me not to worry but I simply can't. The worry is filling up any other emotion I can convey.

As the ending credits roll down the screen, Gina turns to me.

"He'll be back sweetheart." She says, will the most sympathetic look on her face.

"I know." I tell her and she inches closer to me, taking my hand in hers, which makes me intensely uncomfortable.

"How did you get yourself into this darling?"

I shrug, looking down at our hands."I fell out of love, and then I fell back in love. If that makes sense."

"I fell in love to, but you don't see me on the run."

"Tyson is different though, he's possesive and scary and he-"

"Tried to kill Louis so you'd be together forever?"

"Yeh-" I wince my eye brows, thrown off by how she knows any of this.

"But it didn't work because he just wounded Louis, and Tyson couldn't have that so he locked you up with him and the day you decided to leave, today, he went crazy and he's on the hunt for you."

My skins starts to crawl as she goes on with this story, this completely accurate story that I don't want to continue to hear.

"Okay, Gina." I say softly. "I think I'm done with story time, okay?"

"No, your not." She snaps, grabbing onto my wrist tighter. " because I have some news for you. He's found you."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I scream, sharply pushing her away and she releases my wrist.

She laughs, flashing her phone at me and scrolling down the illuminated screen.

"Tyson," she begins. "I wanted to tell you earlier but your girl toy and her boy have showed up at my house." As she reads the texts the rage starts to fill up my body.

"Can you get them together?' 'Yeh. I'm sure we can work something out for a little reward?' 'I'll see you tonight."

She smiles looking to me, "why?" I ask and she jumps up on her feet, standing in front of my face.

"Because you have put my Dean in danger since all this shit started. And it's all your fault." Her fist collides with my face and I stumble backwards onto my butt.

There's a knocking at the door and she walks over to it, running a hand through her messy hair. I try to gain my balance and my dignity but the pain in my face is swelling.

"She's right here." She says to the man standing in the doorway. He walks in and from behind him comes Tyson. I scramble to my knees, frantically crawling to the stairs and once I'm on my feet I throw myself at the top, smashing my hip into the door.

He doesn't chase after me, he doesn't pick up his pace as he follows me up the stairs and I lock myself in the nursery. I lean against it, pulling my knees to my chest in some effort to comfort myself.

The first blow comes to the door, knocking me over onto my stomach and before I can react he's already over me, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt.

"It's nice to see you again, love."

"Get away from me." He tightens his grip and picks me up from the floor, throwing me on the bed.

"What do you think he'd do if we had a quickie right here?" He sneers, rolling up his sleeve. He looks so happy to be this sleezy and I can't manage to stop crying.

"Hmm? Or do you think it would delay our plans?"

"You're fucking sick." I spit.

"No, I'm feeling quite alright, actually." He grabs a hold of my legs and pulls me down until we're both at eye level and then he leans in. I push his face away, nearly kicking him in the stomach.

He takes an unexpected blow at my stomach and throws me down onto my back.

"Don't you think I deserve this after everything you put me through?"

"Tyson no." I breath through bruised ribs.

"Honestly, shut the fuck up." He snaps and his hands start to play with the drawstring on Gina's pants. I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling his hands explore me, not understanding why my limbs won't move and fight him away.

His breath is hot and poisonous on my stomach, as he works his hands down my thighs along with the sweatpants. I cry involuntarily into the pit of my elbow.

"Ty-," Before I can finish, his head shoots up and he locks eyes with me.

"Don't you ever say that again, do you understand me?" My hands are shaking but I can't move my head. I can't open my dry mouth to speak and this angers him more.

"Did you hear me?" He shouts and from behind him Gina appears.

"You didn't say anything about this." She said worriedly, stepping into the room.

"I don't have to tell you anything." He shouts, turning his head towards her. "You have no business in here."

"You have to get off her." She protests and I take this as my chance to give him a right hook to the face, as he tumbles to the floor I grab at my pants and stumble out. Gina doesn't stop me, I think she's too afraid to anything and I'm OK with that. The man who came in before Tyson is waiting at the front, expecting a fight I presume. I take a sharp turn to the back door and jump from there, nearly twisting my ankle.

The grass it wet and sticky under my bare feet. I'm praying for headlights to come turning down the road but I'm left unanswered as I continue running down this gravelly road that's turning the bottoms of my feet into shredded paper.

"Piper!" I hear him yelling again still again, I don't stop. Even when I stumble onto my knees I pick myself right back up and keep running.

I'm stopped by the chain linked fence, but I can't seem to find the hole in the dark like this and the moon doesn't aid too much with lighting. I drop down on my knees and start scrambling for the butchered spot.

Suddenly I'm yanked on my feet by a patch of my hair, turning to face Tyson.

"Lights out, Pipes." He says before, sending his fist across my face.

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