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June 25th 2011
"How did I not notice how prepossessing she was? Today I realized that I was genuinely in love. Everything she does everything she says memorizes me, the way she talks slowly and so in depth just so the person she's talking to understands what she's talking about, the way she makes eye contact with the person she's talking to or the way she scolds me on my posture, when she takes up all the space on the bed when she sleeps and how polite she is to everyone she talks to, and her smile her beautiful smile she doesn't do it as often but when she does it hypnotizes me, she's truly beautiful. But she's got flaws everyone does, I do, you do, we all do. But she's very beautiful. You're obviously not reading this Rose because no one even knows that I write in this but I love you and you're beautiful. One day I'll have the guts to tell you I promise."
-Rider Elliot Grey

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