130 59 2

August 5th 2008
"life sucks I messed up. So yesterday when I was talking to Rosemary and there were little cuts on her arm I asked her what they were from but she ignored me I grabbed her and I asked her again she said it was nothing, I yelled at her I said "What the hell rose why would you do that, you're eleven why are you doing this, why? Are you not happy, am I not enough? What the fuck is wrong with you, I hate you, I hate you so much."
I know I'm an asshole. She stared at me, she was scared I could tell I tried to apologize but she was gone, she left me she hates me, I hate me."
-Rider Elliot Grey

The Beauty Of Your Flaws. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin