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January 9th 2014
"I had a panic attack today, Rosemary went to Florida with her parents and I'm lonely. I just cried her name and waited for her to come, but she never did. I called her though she sounded so happy but it made me feel like she was happy without me. We talked for like 3 hours about nothing in particular just total nonsense but I fucked shit up I said something that I shouldn't have.
"I wanna die Rose" she didn't answer she just said
"I'm on my way" which confused me. "What" I asked "I'm coming home Rider, okay? Just don't hurt yourself" then she hung up. That just happens like an hour ago but I feel like total shit for ruining her family vacation but I can't help but smile at the fact that she dropped everything just for me.
I love her.
-Rider Elliot Grey

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