120 57 4

August 1st 2013
"Rose came home a couple days ago, I've tried to see her but she wouldn't let me in her room. I tried again today she let me in.
"I'm sorry" was the first thing she said when I entered her room. "I'm sorry" she whispered again. I smiled at her, "I know" I said to her. We hugged for a while, we hug a lot. Then we just laid on her bed and talked about the most random shit ever. We drew, she's actually pretty good at it, and I gave her some of my drawings. We were falling asleep when she spoke, "one day we're gonna be okay Rider, I promise." I looked at her and held up my pinky,
"pinky promise?" I asked "you're so childish" she laughed "and you're so beautiful" I winked at her, and she rolled her eyes, and intertwined her pinky with mine, and looked me in the eyes. "I promise" she whispered.
-Rider Elliot Grey
I'm a fuck up, sorry for not updating.

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