121 55 2

July 24th 2013
"Life is hell. Rosemary overdosed. She left a note well it wasn't even really a note because there were only 3 letters written down. I'm at the hospital now and everyone keeps saying "sorry for your loss" I don't know why though because she's never leave me and I know that for a fact. I hate the hospital everyone here tries to act as if they're okay when they're all dying inside, their minds are at war, not knowing whether to show their counterfeit happiness or to divulge their miserableness. I've cried myself dry and I just want to know if she's okay. I feel as though I'm swimming in a pool of oblivion, she was so despondent. You feel like you have to be careful what you say around her, her feelings are very tenuous, life is so hazy now"
-Rider Elliot Grey

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