Chapter 3

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Since the next couple shows were in Australia we just stayed here and became comfortable here. Jewel and Selena were tracking progress and mapping out a plan for the show tonight, while April and I were chatting about Michael.

"So Diana, did you kiss him yet?" She asks, smiling.

"No why would I do that? You heard Jewel: he doesn't like pushy women. I'm gonna make him kiss me." I say.

"You think you can do that?" She asks.

"Of course girl! I'm Diana, I can do anything!" I say, my arrogance slipping through.

"Ooo the cobra strikes again!" She says, laughing.

"Come on, we need to see what Sel and Jewel are doing." I laugh, getting off of the bed.

Jewel comes into the room, walking in circles, deep in thought. "We need to think of something creative before he loses interest and before the concert starts." She explains.

I have an idea. "I got it."

"What?" They say in unison.

I motion for April to come over to me. "Tell me about his escape route. I wanna know where he gets out after the show." I say.

"Since he is going to be here for a few more days he is going to escape and go to his hotel. Like I said before, it's an hour after the show is over. I know one of his guards and they told me he leaves on the far left exit on the side of that popular sushi restaurant, Sushi Paradise, he has a van waiting." She says, closing her eyes and mentally mapping out his every move. "Um, he always walks around that area for like fifteen minutes then gets in his van. He likes talking to some people walking down the street, but you know how people are with him. He did that the last two shows. If you want to catch him there, you can go to the fountain exhibit between the park and the restaurant. He is bound to see you without thinking something suspicious." She says, opening her eyes.

I smile. "Thanks girl. See you later." I grab my purse.

She grabs my hand, frowning. "Wait, what? You're not going to the show?" She asks.

"No. I'm not." I walk away. I hear her talking to the girls, clearly their mouths are on the ground, but I know what I'm doing. I think.

I decide to go see a movie. The Last Emperor. It was okay. It's the easiest way to fill a 2-hour void. After the movie I drive downtown to the arena where the show was to see a lot of crying, hysterical, and happy fans. I guess he had a great show. People are still coming out he's probably not gone yet. I go to the sushi restaurant and look for the van, but it's gone. Dammit. He already left. I kick some rocks, feeling a tightness in my chest. I go by the fountain exhibit by the park and sit thinking I just messed up this encounter by not going to the concert.

"I thought it was a good idea." I whisper to myself. I shrug.

"I didn't see you at my concert." I hear the voice that brings me out of my momentary self-loathing.

I turn around and smile. "Are you stalking me? I thought you would have left by now." I say, smoothly. All traces of my panic have disappeared and I'm in the zone.

"No, I have to wait to leave because the fans might spot me. Anyways, I didn't see you at my concert." He says, sitting in front of me. He looks at me like I need to have an excuse or something.

I stick my fingers out, letting the water run over them gently. "Well, I didn't feel like going. My head is still ringing from the last one. Did you have a good show?" I ask, looking into his eyes.

"Yeah. It would have been better if I had a beautiful woman named Diana to cheer for me while I was singing though." He says, flirting shamelessly.

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