High School

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Chapter 1

Charity's P.O.V.

Please don't see me! Please don't see me! That is all I could think as a walked in the school doors. "Charity!" I knew that voice it was Niall. I turned around to see him. "Yes Niall?" "Hope you did all of my homework" I am in every class with him. It sucks becuase he makes me do everything for him. "I did." It took me all night I am so tired because I had to do 3 small papers and a big poster one plus his papers and his poster project. Except he had more papers because instead of more working he did more talking. "Good. That is what I was hoping. See you in gym." He said smirking. He usually gets to pick the games on Fridays. 

"Today is Friday you know what that means. It is a your pick day. But I have decided to do it a little different today. We will do a small competition." My gym teacher always picks Niall because he is his favorite out of the class. I think some kids were getting upset about it so he had to make it fair for once. Which that is no problem for me becuase he always picks games that will hurt me. 

"We will race across the gym and the person to finish the three laps first wins. That person will then choose the game. You will change into your gym clothes after the race." We all lined up and waited for the whistle to blow. I am a very fast runner so I hope I will win so we can do something easy. "Ready set TWEET" The whistle blew and we were off. I ran infront of alot of people I was then right beind Niall. I picked up my speed and stayed right behind him. Then on our last lap I ran right infront of him. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" I crossed the line before Niall could. "Go change." My couch yelled and gave me a smile. I ran in and changed before anyone could talk to me. I went to get a drink and that is when Niall came around the corner. "You better choose dodgeball or you will get some consequences." 

"Ok" I said as I walked away. "Charity what would you like to play?" He asked me as everyone lined up after changing. I looked at Niall and he gave me a evil look. "D-dodgeb-ball." "Wow Charity I never thought you would have picked that!" "Y-yeah It is erm.. my favorite game of all time!" I looked at Niall and he smiled. "Alright Charity you can be a captin and you can pick someone else to be one too." I randomly selected a girl. She picked all of the girls. It is sad because there is only 2 other boys other than Niall. And the two other boys on my team picked Niall without me saying so. "You are SO lucky I am on your team Charity! I didn't want to hurt you." He said sarcastically. The game was over shortly. And we had to change.

The next classes went by and Niall was pretty happy with his papers. Then our last class was the one with the big poster project. I did mine first and got a B+ which was good considering I had so much to do. Then Niall was last. He got up and presented his. "You got a C+ Niall." He looked at the teacher and said thank you. He then looked at me evily. I am in some deep shit. The bell rang shortly after and I ran to my locker. Luckily I didn't have any homework. I ran right out of the building. And I ran down the street. I could hear running behind me. "YOUR ASS IS GRASS CHARITY!" "I got about three feet away from my house and then Niall grabbed me.

"You get a B+ and I get a C Fucking +! My work comes first Charity! Not yours! Got it?" "Yes." I started to walk away. "You don't think you are getting away with it that easily. He slapped me across the face. I held in my tears waiting to come out. I was then kicked in the chin and punched in the gut. "You are so pathetic!" He spat and walked away." Oh and if you tell anyone this will be worse!" I got up and dragged myself into my house. I laid on my bed and cried myself to sleep. 

Beep Beep Beep! Ugh I do not want to get up. I got in the shower and put makeup over my bruises. I put my uniform on and walked to Starbucks. It was a slow day and soon I heard the bell ring as someone walked in. "Look who we have here." I looked up and saw Nialls mum. "Hey Maura!" "I just came by becuase Niall wanted somthing from here. I talked to your mum and we are coming over for dinner tonight." "Great I can't wait!" "I know right! Anyway school is out in 2 days! Are you happy that it is your last to days of high school?" "I sure am" She then ordered and left. "See you tonight" 

Niall's P.O.V.

I got dressed nice becuase my mum made me. We arrived and I walked up to ring the door bell. Then Charity's mother came to the door. "Come one in! Charity is up in her room you can go ahead and see her. Dinner will be done in about 30 minutes." "Thanks Claire!" Walked up the stairs and saw a door with pink polka dots. I debated wether to knock or just enter. I just entered. "OMG what do you think you are doing.? She screamed I looked and soon new why.

She was only in her bra and underwear. "What the FUCK?" She ran into her bathroom and came out in a tight hot pink dress . "Why did you just walk into my room like that?" "Your mom said I could." I smirked knowing I got her good. She looked hot. "Dinner!" We walked down and my mother saw Charity. "Oh you look so beautiful!" "Thank you my mother got it while I was at work." "You did a great job Claire!" "Right!" We ate tacos. "These are very good Claire!" "Thank you Niall. "He is right!" My mother said with a smile on her face. Charity looked at her mum and also thanked her. 

Charity's P.O.V.

When we were done with our meal my mum did the unthinkable. "Niall would you like to stay the night. You can sleep up in Charity's room with her!" "Mum why?" "Shut it Charity let Niall think!" "Why not!" Shit! 

 Maura's P.O.V.

Well you better get it used to it because me and your mother were thinking and well we want you two to get married when school lets out!" "That is right and you guys will move in together the day school lets out!" Claire said.

Charity's P.O.V.

WHAT THE FUCK! This can not me happening. With my bully no way. "Well bye Niall see you tomorrow. And I know you will be getting married but no sex." "Mother ew no!" "Well it will happen sometime!" "Mother go!" "Bye!" I went up to my room in shock. I heard the door open. "Hey sweet heart I have to go to a late meeting I will be back tomorrow aroun 8 p.m." "K mum." "Be good!" "I will" I heard her say good bye to Niall and the door shut. Niall walked in my room. Shit.

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