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HOLA! thanks for taking the time to read this!!

To set the background for the story, this takes place in the MCU after Age of Ultron. (AGE OF ULTRON SPOILERS!!) Some things will be different though.

Are Black Widow and Bruce a couple? Meh.... To be honest I never really liked them as a couple b/c it just seemed really OOC for Nat. I do like how they made it so that she shows another side to herself and can share that with someone, buttttt.... No, they are not a couple, just a couple of good buds! ;)

Does Hawkeye have a family?  Yes.... but thats not his wife or kids :( In the MCU it sure looked like they were setting up a relationship between Clint and Nat (they freaking let her wear that arrow necklace on CA:TWS the boobs!) but that it didn't happen and they made clint already have a family already. That Comic book story line is not my favorite, I like Clint being paired up with either Nat or Mockingbird. So in this story Clint does have a farm (YAY!) but it's to protect his brothers wife and kids. Him and his bro still grew up in the circus (like the comics) but when Clint left his bro left with him to eventually join SHIELD (unlike da comics). During a Mission Barney (his bro yo) got killed, and with his dying breath asked Clint to watch over his family(dramatic right?!). So Clint moved them to the farm and had Fury erase any record of them.  (This still makes the farm scenes have value b/c he still has a family to protect and it grounds the Avengers to know there are serious stakes involved).


Who is the main character going to be involved with?  THATS A SURPRISE!! Mostly b/c I myself can't choose! So many amazing men lol. We shall discover it together!! Steve, Clint, Pietro... NONE OF THE ABOVE?!?! (But yeah it's one of the above lol)

What Avengers shall be featured?  well dear reader.... ALL OF THEM!! jk that would be crazy, my brain would fry. We will see the main roster however: Iron Man, HAWKEYE, The Hulk, CAPTAIN AMERICA, Black Widow, QUICKSILVER, Scarlet witch, Thor, Vision (a bit), Falcon... maybe spiderman and ant man, we shall see ;) (can you guess which ones i love?!)

Wait, Quicksilver? I thought he bit the bullet? What the heck are you talking about?! He's totes alive! You crazy! Didn't you see him in the Civil War trailer?! no? well he was there bro, trust me... he's there...dont blink... you'll see him... *cries in a corner for Pietro*

Okaaaaay... What about Bucky?! What about him?! jk James will come into this story, do not fret! Although since suddenly Civil War is centered around him and Steve and idk whats going to happen with that, it's just gonna be all peachy with Buck's return :) I want him to be a part of the tower but still keep that Winter Solider storyline relevant. So there will be consequences with what he's done as the Winter Solider (stupid Hydra) but the the pure craziness that is sure to happen in Civil War, won't happen here! Give or take, more like a slap on the wrist thing ;) I just want Bucky a-okay alright?!

THAT'S IT! Enjoy! Please comment (be nice please)and tell me what you think.

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