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Phil Lester was a shy boy at school. He rarely ever showed his emotions, or share his emotions. At school he didn't have many friends, until Dan Howell arrived.

Dan Howell was a charming boy, with dark brown hair, and light brown eyes that glistened in the light. Phil liked Dan a lot. But he didn't expose that to anyone but himself. 

Everyday after school, Phil would think about Dan Howell. Phil knew that he had no chance with Dan Howell, but that didn't stop him. Phil had developed a stronger crush on Dan Howell, he decided to talk to him the next day. 

Phil couldn't sleep that night, not only because he had heard his mother screaming at his younger sister Elizabeth, who preferred to be called Liz. Phil sometimes would worry for Liz, but was too scared to ever do anything. 

Phil let the thoughts get to him that night and got no sleep at all. Dan Howell will forever be on his mind. Phil often wondered if Dan liked him back.

At school the next day, Phil finally got the nerves to talk to Dan Howell. Phil thought the chat couldn't have been better.

"Hi, Dan" Phil said.

"Hi, uh P-phil" Dan said.

"What's up?" Phil asked, Dan turning bright red.

"Oh nothing, just going to my next class. You have History next right?" Dan said.

"Yes, yes I do" Phil said.

"How about we walk together then?" Dan asked.

"I would love to!" Phil said feeling a bit queasy after talking to Dan.


"We should exchange numbers." Dan said breaking the silence.

'Does this mean Dan likes me back?' Phil thought to himself.

Dan handed Phil a piece of paper that writes:

' Dan's number : +2-345-353-6880. I'm glad we finally talked ;) '

Phil cherished the note Dan had wrote to him. For once Phil could not wait to go home. Phil waited as the rest of the school day went on. 

Finally, Phil was walking up the stairs to his apartment. He went to his room were his phone lay on his neatly made bed. Phil passed Liz's room and saw her napping. He pulled the duvet over Liz and walked out. 

By Phil's surprise there was an e-mail notification on his phone, just spam mail. He grabbed the neatly folded note from Dan and typed the number in his phone. Phil's hands were shaking, he was nervous to talk to Dan.

He typed "Hello, it's Phil"

Less than a minute later Dan said "Hello there Phil, how are you?

Phil texted Dan Howell for the rest of the night until about midnight. An hour later Phil called Dan.

"Hello" Dan answered groggily.

"I can't sleep," Phil said. 

"Me neither" Dan said.

They chatted for another hour until Phil heard silence. He suspected Dan had fell asleep, and Phil decided to try to sleep too.

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