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"Liz I promise it's nothing-" Phil said his voice getting shakier, his heart pounding harder.
"Phil stop, there's obviously something wrong and you're lying to your own sister." Liz screamed.
"It's-its-uhh D-d-da-Dan." Phil spit out.
"Dan? I don't know a Dan?"
"Daniel Howell, the nicest and most comforting boy you'll ever meet, I could keep going but I'd rather not. Something is wrong with him, but I can't help him, b-b-be-because he's in America!" Phil felt a rush of anger.
"Try calling the police?" Liz spoke softly.
"HES IN AMERICA LIZ, HOW ON EARTH IS THAT GONNA WOR-" Phil was interrupted by the sound of whimpers from Liz.
"Liz- uh nevermind I'll try that. I'm-I'm sorry it's just I've finally made a friend and then *snap* just like that, something ruins it." Phil said.
"That's not it Phil, I might know who it is...."
"What? How? You do?" Phil's jaw dropped.
"Mom has been missing for the past few days, last I saw her she was running out the door with a suitcase. Obviously she had been extremely drunk or something like that." Liz sniffled.
"How do you know-" Phil was cut off once again.
"She left with a passport and said something about going to the U.S. . I'm probably wrong, but it's very likely. "
Phil immediately got up and squeezed Liz. They went into Phil's room and called "Dan" again.
Someone had picked up, causing silence to enter the room.
"Wait, is this Phil?"
"Yes, listen. I know we may not be on the greatest terms, but you need to stop doing whatever you may be doing to Dan and his family." Phil stated.
"They are a great family and do not deserve it. And we cannot possibly survive here alone. I'm not responsible enough." Phil continued.
"How do you even know? How do you know I'm here?" she asked.
"Liz told me she saw you leaving the house with a suitcase, you obliviously had too much to drink."

out of my mind-phanWhere stories live. Discover now