I Wanna Puppy Part 2

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Latoya P.O.V.

While we were on the way to the pet store Ray kept poking me. Don't he know how dangerous that is while I'm driving. I stopped at a red light that takes a good 5 minutes and looked at Ray. He started laughing.

Ray: What?

LaLa: Why the fuck are you poking me!?!

Ray: (raises eyebrow) You made bro?

LaLa: (laughs) I can never take you seriously

Ray: Ikr

The light turns green and I continue to drive to the pet store. Ray would look at me every once in a while and I would blush I mean what am I suppose to do. When we got there we searched for just the right dog for me. When we got it we got everything it needed and paid......well I at least tried to.

LaLa: Ray no I wanna pay

Ray: No

He tries to give the lady the money but I smack it out his hand onto the floor and give the lady my money. She gives me change back and I looked at Ray who was looking at me.

LaLa:( laughing) What?

Ray: Could you pick that up?

He points to the money on the floor

LaLa: No but you can

Ray: You the one that did the shit

LaLa: (raises eyebrow) You mad bro?

Him and I laugh as I pick his money up with 1 hand and the puppy in the other and give it to him. We head back to the car to go home.

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