My Life Part II

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LaLa: Ray?!

Ray: Latoya?

LaLa: What are you doing here?

Ray: Getting food duhh

LaLa: -_- No I mean what are you doing in New York?!

Alexis: He came to see two know each other?

Latoya P.O.V.

I nodded my head and looked down at Ray'ven as she tapped my leg.

Nini: Mommy?

LaLa: What?

Nini: Who is that?

She pointed to Ray and I picked her up.

LaLa: Ray'ven....this is....your dad

Alexis looked like she was about to throw up. Ray walked over taking Ray'ven from me

Nini: Hi

She smiled and a tear slipped outta his eye

Nini: Don't cry daddy

She whipped his tear. Why she so sweet?

Ray: I'm just happy baby girl

He threw her up in the air catching her as she laughed.

Nini: Daddy its my biryhday!

Ray: And what do you want for your birthday?

Nini: Another dolly

Ray: Ok well

He put her down

Ray: Daddy will get you another dolly

She screamed and jumped up and down

Ray: If....

He looked at me and Nini stop jumping

Ray: Its ok with your mom

She ran to me and begged

Nini: Please mommy I'll be good FOREVER!

I laughed a little bit and nodded my head then she screamed again and Ray walked over to me

Ray: You doing something for her birthday?

LaLa: It was gone be me, her, a birthday cake, and some gifts

I said smiling at how happy she was

Ray: Sight....I'll be there

He doesn't even know where I live......

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