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The snow outside was layering quickly, the temperature outside seemed to drop below zero at an astonishing pace. There was a woman. She was being helped into the hospital at half eleven at nights. Her breathing was short, as she screamed in pain. This alerted more Doctors and Nurses. She was going to labor and quick.

They managed to get her in a wheel chair towards the labor ward. She could feel the baby moving, waiting. Ear splitting screams echoed the halls as they sped down towards her ward. They needed to position her quickly ... The baby was coming quickly... Or so they thought.

As the minutes went by, contraction long and close together the baby was having trouble. The Doctor and three Nurses were starting to worry. A baby never takes this long to birth.

"Breathe love. Are you ready to push again?" The Doctor asked as he held her ankles firmly in place. She panted heavily as another contraction came along. She screamed out, attempting to push.

"I can see his head. Keep pushing love!"

Finally though the boy was birthed, but no sound left his small mouth. The Nurse cut the cord, and they wrapped him in a towel. The Nurse holding the baby boy as she walked was always thinking,

'He is hardly moving. Not making so much as a small cry. Is there something wrong?'

But she never voiced her thoughts. She didn't want to stress the weak new mother. She plastered a smile on her face and walked quickly over to the woman.

"He's such a beautiful baby. You did so well." The Nurse mentioned, as the new mother lay her eyes on her unmoving son. Her eyes were barely open, her breathing slightly uneven, sweat layering her pale face. Her body was shaken. As she held up her frail hands the Nurse lay him in her arms.

"Hello my handsome boy." She whispered, yet the baby never stirred, his eyes never opened a peep. She swallowed, her fingers brushing through the little brown hair the baby had. Tears slipped her eyes as he never opened his to look at her. Her fingers were brushing over the little bumps on his head, jolts shooting through her child'a body as if he were having a fit.


"Yes?" He said, pulling of his gloves, binning them. He turned his big grey eyes to meet hers. He seemed to frown. Still no sound. He furrowed his dark eyebrows in thought. He couldn't quite figure this boy out. He scrubbed his hands roughly, before rinsing them off, using blue tissue to dry them.

"He hasn't opened his eyes? He hasn't so much as cried? Is he alright?" The new mother asked, looking at her baby's... Unique facial features. She lifted her frail hand brushing her shaking fingers across his rather oddly shaped jaw. The Doctor wondered over to her bedside, her heart monitor peeping irregular. In his heart he knew she'd not last much longer. He'd seen it many a time. Some of the women who appear here don't make it after half an hour.

"He's breathing fine," he started pulling out his stethoscope putting the buds in his ears. He moved the towel, revealing his pink, frail body, the heart beating visibly through the skin and against the ribs. He placed the chest piece over the small baby's heart, the cold contact causing a violent jolt to shock his body, his heart rate erratic. The first signs of life were little whimpers from the cold mental. "His heart rate is going back to normal." The Doctor confirmed as he pulled the chest piece away from the skin, ear buds out and round his neck.

"B-But Doctor... The lumps on his head."

The Doctor leaned forward now only noticing the lack of ears. His eyebrows pulled together. He reach his hand out, palm on the baby's forehead. He slowly moved his hand over the boys head, feeling the bumps.

"Maria over here. I must speak with you."

The new mother stared at her baby in shock. Was there something wrong with her child? Her baby? Her world? She brushed her thumb over his pale cheek and whispered,

"You will be save my dear Niall. I will always be with you to keep you so. You may be different but you are oh so special."

With this said Niall's eyes blinked open. His mother stared again only in shock her heart monitor going crazy. His eyes were a deadly shade of blue... But looked... Abnormal.

"Quick! Try and get her stable! Put the baby in the cot! She could be going into shock!"

The Nurse grabbed for her baby.

"No! No he's my baby! MY BABY!" She screamed. Sobs left her lips mixing with the screeching of her boy Niall. Holding him to her chest tightly she cried her heart out... At least what she had left.

"Quick get the baby out of here!"

With force her baby was ripped from her. She was sobbing until she came quiet, no fight left, her heart slowly giving in on her. With her last breaths she said,

"Make sure he is safe. Do not give him to his father! He is different. Some kind of new life... His father will treat him wrong..." She gasped for breath before uttering,

"He only deserves the best."

On this night. Niall's life was already a disaster. His father came in four days later after being told his wife had died. Niall was constantly being looked at. Doctors and Nurses staring at his abnormal eyes, feeling around the bumps on his head causing whimpers and yelps. Looking at his strange shapes tail bone.

But Niall's father knew his wife was smart. He knew she'd have said to keep Niall away from him. So he played on it well. Calling himself his wife's brother...

He got custody of Niall.


Sooooooo :D Good? Bad? Shit as fuck? Please tell me! Please give me and vote and a comment :) xxx

With love

~Libby xxx

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