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~Niall's POV

I managed to get away from Harry. It wasn't like I was ungrateful for him carrying and wanting me to be safe, but I couldn't go and see the Nurse. No one knows I am a Hybrid. I cannot show anyone my bruises and scars... Because no one knows how badly abused I really am.

I knew I should go to science, but I just couldn't find the heart. When I yelled at Harry previous... The hurt in his green eyes was evident. His voice cracked at the end and gosh I couldn't seem to handle it. I shuffled towards the library, my ears twitching sadly under my beanie. I closed my blue eyes sighing sadly, flinching when his voice swirled inside my head.

"Well done kitten... You scared him off... I guess you'll stay as mine."

I rubbed my forehead softly, my head hurting once more. I could never have a break. I pushed open the library doors and saw a couple of people from my maths class sitting doing some extra work. I walked quickly over to the corner of the library and sat myself down. I dropped my bag on the floor and crossed my arms on the table. My heart felt like ripping... Harry's sad green eyes flooding into my mind. Groaning softly I rested my head on my crossed arms, eyes staring into darkness.

"Come on kitten... You can't lie to him forever."

I growled quietly. He's always there... He's always there whenever I don't want him there. I know that sounds funny but... He tortures me even when he isn't in front of me. I felt tears stinging the back of my eyelids, just wanting him to leave me alone. That's all I wished for, but he always reminded me that if I told anyone... If I showed anyone who I was... He'd find away to put me where my mother is, even if it was the last thing he did.

I slipped my fingers under my beanie, pulling at the hair just in front of my ears, the tears slowly leaking from my closed eyes. I couldn't bare the pain anymore. But I know my mother would be wanting me to carry on. Not let this... Disposition stop me for being something great.

The woman at the local paper shop tells me about my mother a lot. She told me that my father wasn't always so loud. He never used to be so horrible. He never used to be rude... But that's all I know him as. I wish I had my mother.

I bit my lip softly, swallowing back the sobs as I found myself slowly raising my head, removing my hands from my hair, to wipe my eyes dry and clear the tears off of my cheeks. I had to stop thinking of him... Of his horrid behaviour. I shuddered, pulling my beanie forward a bit more. I sucked in a deep breath and checked the time.


I turned in my seat, scanning the bookshelf to my right, knowing I only had fifteen minutes left before my final class which was English.



~Harry's POV

I sat in silence for the whole lesson. Niall's blue eyes haunted me as I attempted to complete the work set by Mr Acton. They swirled with anger when I told him I was going to take him to the Nurse. I closed my eyes in frustration.

"Harry are you alright?" Asked Mr Acton. I looked up and nodded. He didn't look one hundred percent but I didn't want to go into detail. Just because I'm a nerd doesn't mean I'm not respected. I dress normal... Normal-ish. I acted normally around people. I go out when Liam's here. I build new friendships. I've had a couple of girlfriends...

But there was something bothering me. Niall didn't seem at all confident around anyone. He didn't like talking about himself to anyone and always seemed so flustered.

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