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"Well if it isn't wittle Niall."

I froze in the process of putting away my books in my locker, staring blankly into the dull grey metal at the back.

What do they want?

"Come on Horan! Speak up! Don't want a replay of yesterday do you?"

The unmistakeable voice of Zayn, echoed around my head. You know when you scream in a cave? When you're on your own? Yes like that. I whimpered recalling what happened yesterday.

'I walked in to canteen after P.E (A/N: Physical Education!) ready for lunch. I normally sit with Jason and Josh but they were on a trip to Mexico. Of course I could not go, because of my father. He thought I'd speak of what he does to me. I don't think I could... He's scarred me for life.

I sat myself down at the circular table by the corner, my bag on top. I unzipped it pulling out my maths jotters and textbooks, a pencil and a rubber. No need for the other things. I pulled out my apple and started my work, ignoring the laughing, the constant chanting. The screaming and the constant chatting. I was completely unaware as to what was happening.

I jumped when a pair of lightly tanned hands slammed on my table. I yelped in fright. I felt my ears flatten deeper into my blonde hair, the hairs on my tail puffing out much like an actual cats. I stared into a pair of dark and murky blue eyes.

Louis Tomlinson...

"What're you doing dumbass?"

"W-Working." I stuttered, my voice still wavering. I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment, as I stared down at my... Completely ruined maths work. I frowned knowing my Teacher wouldn't be too happy to say the least.

"Where's your little friends huh? Ditched you for someone better?" He snapped, a smirk dancing on his lips sending wracking shivers down my spine.

"N-No t-they went o-on a tr-trip-"

"Aha the Mexico trip? The one your dad wouldn't let you go on? Awh. Daddy's boy huh?"

I cringed internally. I am anything but a "Daddy's boy" thank you very much. I am sure if my mother was alive I'd have been more attached to her than any other. I felt a pang in my heart and tears sting my eyes as he walked round the table.

"Come on Horan," He barked his hands balled into tight fists, face moulded with anger. I whimpered quietly hoping he wouldn't hear it. "Come on! Man up and grow so fucking balls!" He yelled grabbing two fist fulls of my school blazer pulling me roughly out of my chair. I went into a state of panic when I realised my clothing could have ridden up, revealing my still bushy tail. I gulped.

"OI Tomlinson!"

We both turned at the voice of Zayn. I felt tears slip from the corners of my eyes as he grinned rather evilly. Louis glared awaiting an answer.

"Don't state the impossible! Horan's to much like a girl, he couldn't grow a pair even if he tried."

Laughter filled my highly sensitive ears. I could distinguish the males from the females, because most of the girls here have really high pitched squeak like giggles and high laughs. The whimper slipping my cracking lips was louder much to my dismay. His face was inches from mine. I couldn't even close my eyes because his would burn through my eyelids.

"Scared huh? Want to see what I can do Horan? People think I'm the little pussy out of me and Zayn!" He growled, his sapphire eyes growing darker by the second. I leaned my head back, closing my eyes. My breath kept hitching.

Break Me Out |Narry Storan|-HybridWhere stories live. Discover now