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"It's Niall isn't it?"

I nodded, my cheeks still burning. I could feel my tail bristle against my skin, sending an unwanted shiver do my spine. My ears kept pricking up under my beanie, making me more nervous, although luckily Harry's eyes weren't on me but his books.

Harry was actually one of the smartest kids in school yet he was the one that got the least bullied. He knew how to stand up for himself and how I wish I could take a leaf out of his book. My blue eyes stared at him with such intensity. They scanned his body like a printer scanning the words on a sheet of paper.

His curls were long but tamed, framing his perfectly shaped face. His black framed glasses perched perfectly on the bridge of his nose, hiding his emerald green eyes, that never seemed to loose there sparkle. His lips, a soft pink, never seemed to mould into a frown unless he got interrupted in class. They hid his slightly squint white teeth. For a boy of his social ranking he was abnormally cheeky, the dimples adding effect when he smiled or pulled that grin out of the bag. My eyes glided along his jaw line, down his long neck.

He wore a loose white shirt, school tie, tied tightly round the base of his neck, school blazer over the top, crisp and not a crease in sight. I chewed my lip softly averting my eyes from him, looking at my shaky, useless hands in my lap.

"You're in my Science class aren't you?" He said quietly. His accent is so strong. In contrast to mine he sounds posh. I mean he doesn't strike me as a boy that has come from a family like I do. I swallowed hard before speaking up finally.

"Y-Yes I am. T-The kid who always sits at the b-back."

He turned, his curls flopping delicately to the side. His lips pulled into a small smile, his green eyes dancing as always. My heart fluttered, as I met his gaze.

"You should come and sit next to me and Liam. You know there is a seat free on our desk. I can see you looking over."

"I-I prefer to be behind everyone." I murmured. It is true. I'd rather be at the back. Being at the back means they can't throw things at the back of my head, or tug at my beanie, or kick me through the gap in the chair. "Means they cant hurt me." I whispered softly, tears welling in my eyes. My heart hurt just thinking about what people say... They do it purposely... Speaking out their hate for me loud enough for me to hear. I don't understand.

"You know that git Horan? Yeah rumor has it his father's an abuser... Think its true?"

"Horan's such a dick its unreal. He should just go and die in a hole! No one would miss him."

"He's a foul mouthed bitch when he actually opens his trap to you!"


"S-Sorry H-Harry." I stuttered, shaking myself out of this unhealthy nightmare playing whilst I was awake. It was fine when I was alone. But when in company I like to keep my hurtfull, deep and dark thoughts to myself. I swallowed looking away from Harry's concerned green eyes before saying, "Did you s-say something?"

"Yes. I asked if you were alright actually, you were shaking in your seat."

His voice was low and laced with concern. I don't like anyone feeling sorry or concerned for me. I don't know how to react to it. It feels strange to say the least that I even am talking to Harry Styles, school geek. I pulled on my fingers, the tip of my tail twitching under my shirt.

"Y-Yeah sorry H-Harry I'm fine." I whispered, plastering a fake smile on my lips. Harry stared at me, his eyes still flashing with concern. I slowly pursed my lips, hiding my teeth. I always forget most of my features are different. My jaw is positioned slightly different, my eyes are different... I have damned ears and a tail. I frowned and set my bag on the desk, pulling out my science books. I found a pencil and a rubber, before zipping up my bag and pushing it to the side. It has to be in my sights at all times. It has important things in there, explaining why I can't do most of the things in school.

Break Me Out |Narry Storan|-HybridWhere stories live. Discover now