167. A story

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(u need tissues. But this is just ordinary)

Once upon a time,

There was a lost little boy who is gifted with a beautiful voice. He was inside a box with pitch black surroundings. He was holding a guitar in his hands. His hair is almost covering his face.

He was looking for his friends. He walked to the corner and player his guitar. He started singing.

Then two boys came out of the pitch black. One boy with the fringe and one with a black hair.

"Luke? " the boy with the fringe asked. "Guys? " the blonde lost boy replies.

"Luke! It's us! We've been looking for you!" the black haired boy shouted.

The boy grabbed his guitar and ran to them. "Calum! Michael! I thought I'd never see you! " the blonde said.

"We have to find our drummer. " The one with a fringe said. They walked through the darkness and they can hear some singing. The songs are each fading for every step they take.

"Guys??" One shouted. "Ashton?!" They asked. "Mike! Cal! Luke!" the guy with the purple shirt ran to the three boys. He was holding his drumsticks.

"Good thing we are together. " the fringe boy said. " Aren't we just in my garage?" one boy said.

"Let's just keep on going". The one with a fringe said with a smile.

The box began to shake. They gathered up together. The box turned into a rectangle

A dot of light was at the end of the rectangle, the boys curiously walked slowly.

After 15 steps...the songs stopped. It was replaced by screaming of a few girls.

"Guys, are we really lost. I want to give up. " one said. "We don't have to if we will try to push our limits. " one smiled.

The screaming are getting larger and louder. "Hey! My phone is full of notifications! " Ashton said. "They are twitter notifications!" Calum added.

He opened his twitter, "Is this real?! " Ashton stated. "Why Ash? " Luke asked. He showed his twitter with an different account. "We have 5 million followers?! Even the artist we love is following us!" Michael rejoiced.

Then they walked and walked until they sides of the boxes showed clips and pictures of something they don't know yet.

The boys stared at a picture filled with fans and 4 silhouettes of unknown boys.

Then they walked straight while they were amazed by the clips they see. They saw again the 4 silhouettes with two girls dressed as Pokemon characters, with One Direction and many more!

One unique part is when a video of Cal and Mikey is shown.

"Get us famous!. Yeah that would be fun. "

The two boys laughed at each other knowing that it will not be true.

They stopped as they saw clothes on the floor on each lane.

"What is Dr. Fluke? It said its mine." Luke questioned while he held high the costume in front of him.

"Mine says Mike-Ro-Wave. Cool name though." . "How cute. Cal-Pal. ". "Not bad your self, SmAsh. "

They left the clothes and continued walking to the increasing screams of fans. The light illuminated in front of them and brought them to the center of a polygon.

It has 5 sides. The other 4 is showing a history. Then the 5th side is showing the band name...

5 Seconds Of Summer.

The sides became a panaroma screen that shows the 4 silhouettes their own selves.

Its showed first a handsome tall guitarist who is singing so loudly.

"Is that me??" Luke asked.

Next, they showed a muscular long-haired drummer who has an emotion on every beat.

"Woah, that can't be me! " Ashton smiled.

Next up, it showed another guitarist with a crazy red hair and doing his own tricks with his guitar.

"That's... Me? Oh, my hair... " Michael patted his fringe.

Lastly, they showed the bassist with a muscular physic and many tattoos.

"Dang I look good! " Calum giggles.

"Thanks for these awards guys! We love you so much! " The blonde guitarist said.

"What?? ----?"

"They got us famous! I know right! " the boy with the red hair told the bassist.

"We got famous? " Luke smiled.

Ashton hugged his band mates...

"Guys, I think we already saw the future. I think we made it. "



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