The Forbidden Forest

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She met the edge of the forest and began walking in the shrubs around it. About 5 minutes later she heard a bird singing it's beautiful song that soon drew Luna into the depths of the forest.

Luna came to a clearing and looked around for the bird. She couldn't seem to find it, when she heard fast rustling in the leaves around her (no snow could reach how deep Luna was into the forest). The thought of nargles instantly came to her mind (the nargles always stole her shoes so..), and with that thought she looked down at her neck, where her necklace usually was that kept the nargles away. It was gone! She forgot to put it on that morning!

Luna, not easily scared, walked over to the edge of the clearing and looked over and over again, still not seeing any of the creatures. She decided to keep going, the thought of nargles stealing something from her pestering at her mind. Luna tried to make herself feel better by telling herself it was a rat or maybe a nice cetaur, when, again, something ran close behind her. She whipped around and something ran past on her right, then her left, then in front of her. She got a glimpse of beautiful, gleaming gold skin. Luna tried to follow the shimmering gold with her eyes, but it was so quick she couldn't.

She wondered if it was a rare golden unicorn or another strange animal (she was used to strange things as she was always walking in the Forbidden Forest, and herself of course, very strange too). She moved on very slowly (so brave) keeping an eye out for the strange creature, wishing, just for comfort, she had her nargle repelling necklace.

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