To You.

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To You.

To you my dear

My love for you swells

Never ceasing to make me tongue tied

Your long blond hair

Your sea green eyes

Your beauty is overwhelming

So, you’re a little weird

Or a little eccentric

We all have our flaws

And yours are too cute

You’re any mans dreams

And the dreams of this girl

All my tears are for you

Because I know you don’t want me

Or at least not like I do

I wish I could go back

Take back those words

Make mends of our problems

And keep kissing away your tears

All I want to do

Is say those words

Kiss you one last time

And pray you’ll love me too

So farewell my dear

Keep smiling

As I hold the world off your shoulders

I’ll whisper I love you

Until one day

You turn around

And say You love me too

Poetry of an Insecure Girl.Where stories live. Discover now