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You say you know what I’m thinking

That I’m still blaming you

You couldn’t be more wrong

You’ll never understand what I’m thinking

I’m thinking how hard would it be to swallow your valiums?

10 should do it

Fall asleep and never wake up

Or maybe down the rest of that case of beer

Or chase the pills with the latter

I’m thinking none of this would have happened if I wasn’t here

So I’ll make it easy and disappear

I’ll run away

I’ll never look back

You’ll be better off without me

You don’t want me anyway

I’m nothing but a burden

A nuisance

An angsty teen that you can’t talk to

I’m no one you want around

Would you care if I never came home?

Never woke up?

Never existed?

You’d have more money to do what you wanted

You’d have more time with each other

It’s my fault he won’t talk to you

It’s my fault this family’s falling apart

Everything is my fault and it better if I was just


Poetry of an Insecure Girl.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora