Sea of Confusion

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Woo! Two poems in one night? YES.


I walk holding tightly to my anchor

Eyes forward, foucus on breathing

Don't freak out and what ever I do

Don't let go

If only I'd listen to myself

The figure comes up the sidewalk

Stops in front of me, smiles

I find my self smiling back but wait,

I've let go of that hand

The hand that for the past month has kept me anchored

Kept my thoughts straight

My head above water

and out of the sea

But I just had to let go.

So now I'm embracing my past

Falling quickly and deeply

back into my memories

I'm drowning

Someone rescue me

I dove feet first into the deep end

of the Sea of Confusion

The place I told myself

I would never go again

So why am I here?

I pull away

and grope for my anchor

Our fingers interlock

but I'm still water logged

The tide goes out, taking my stability with it

I'm left again

with those memories tugging on my future

"Come back to us..." they hiss

tempting me with those blue eyes

I hated being there, so why do I want so badly to go back?

Poetry of an Insecure Girl.Where stories live. Discover now