Chapter 1

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Author's note

Well, this is my first fic and English isn't my first language (so, sorry for any mistakes). I haven't decided if this will be only a one-shot or if I'll publish more chapters, it will depend on your comments and votes. I hope this is anyway good. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

"Hey! Another shot, please" I asked the barman.

He looked at me with a concerned expression on his face "Are you sure, mate? You've had a few already!"

I locked my eyes with his, letting him know that I really needed another drink.

"Okay, here you go" He refilled my shot glass to the brim with vodka. "In this job of mine, I've seen many guys like you. It's been a tough day, hasn't it?"

I nodded. I didn't want to talk. I guess the man understood because he didn't make any more questions. I looked around to realize I don't even know what place it is. There aren't many people at the bar. It is a bit crummy; the wallpaper is cracking and the lights are quite dim.

"It wasn't my plan for today whatsoever...But that's it" I thought to myself.

Suddenly, the excessive intake of alcohol begins to trick my mind and all my emotions seem to be completely entangled and messed up. A wave of sadness washes over me and I start to remember the previous events that caused all this misery.

It is officially over. Although I couldn't believe Brian's dumped me like that. It was so unreal that I'm trying to deny it. As if it was only a terrible nightmare and I would wake up and see that none of this had ever happened. That guy yelling at me wasn't MY Brian.

These last months have been the best time of my life. But despite all our happiness, there was a problem with our relationship since the very start. You'd say it is the fact that we work in the same band and it is tough to separate professional life from personal life; well, not exactly .

The big issue was: we weren't a usual couple. First off, we were two men in a relationship; second, Brian seemed to be way too concerned about it.

Yeah, were in the past tense. There's no we or us anymore.

I know that our situation was complicated, and even more for Brian. It was the way he was brought up. All those rules and social codes... I know Brian cares about it. When we were at home or in the studio, the guitarist wouldn't mind demonstrating affection towards me. But it took just a step outside for Brian to become completely different. He could be extremely straight-laced sometimes.

It bothered me a lot, even though I always tried not to bring it up. Earlier that morning though I couldn't turn a blind eye at this subject again.

Some hours earlier...

Everything was calm. It was a sunny Sunday and Roger was looking forward to spending the entire day in Brian's company. He woke up before Brian; the plan was prepare some breakfast and serve him at their bed.

It was a sacrifice because Brian is an early bird, but the drummer knew his effort was going to worth it until the end of the day, or so he hoped. He managed to get into the kitchen stepping carefully, as not to wake up Brian. Roger wasn't that talented when it comes to cooking, but he could make some toast and juice without burning down the house.

After turning on the toaster and pouring some orange juice into two glasses, Roger opened the backdoor that led to their backyard and chose a rose; it had just bloomed and its scent and colors were stunning. He closed the backdoor, reentering the kitchen .The toast was spreading an amazing aroma in the air, and the drummer smiled at the thought of Brian's surprise.

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