Chapter 2

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Author's note

Well, I've decided to publish more chapters. I'll try to update frequently, at least an update a week. Thanks everyone for voting and commenting. I really appreciate feedback. :)

Brian's P.O.V

Roger sprints to the garage, I can see tears rolling down his face as he tries his best to get away from me. I don't react. What the heck was I even thinking when I said all those things to him? I froze in my position, watching while the man I love left me.

I hear as he starts the car and leaves, heading to only God knows where. I keep on staring the road as if he would regret it and come back to me. But he doesn't. I lie on the grass in the same spot I was standing before. "what did I do?" I think to myself  realizing the mess I've done.

"What the hell did I do? Roger, I want you back! I love you, man!" I scream to the nothing. I can see some neighbors peeking from their windows to see what's happening. I don't even care about them anymore. I only want my Rog back. I crawl back home, barely standing on my feet. I make my way upstairs to put on some clean clothes, once mine are all dusty from the garden. As I enter the bedroom, I see the breakfast tray that we must have forgotten to bring downstairs when we left the room. The memories from earlier make me cry again.

  I climb on bed, taking the tray and laying it on my lap. I run my fingers on its beautiful details. Roger chose this one when we bought it on our trip to Japan. He always had a good taste for this kind of things.
I keep thinking and crying until my eyes meet with a rose he must have picked earlier to make the arrangement look prettier. I reach out for it, more tears rolling down my face. He's so cute. I haven't even noticed this gentle little thing. That's my problem. I can't notice little things. I've never been the easily impressed one. But, you see, that's what love is about. Love is about the little things, not the big ones.

"If I lose this man I swear..." I couldn't finish my sentence I was sobbing by now. I regretted what I've done earlier so badly. I think I deserve this. I don't deserve Roger's love. I don't deserve that beautiful surprise he made for me today. But I still want him.

I run downstairs and start dialing Freddie's number. He's been in many relationships before, at least more than I have, so whenever I needed some advises I'd ask him. After some rings he answers the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Mercury speaking. Who is it?"

"Hello, Freddie. It's me, Brian."

"Hi, darling! How are you?" He asks cheerfully.

"I'm fine, thanks. But, you know, I could be better..." My voice trails off.

"Oh, and why things could be better, honey? Has something happened that I don't know?"He asks concerned at how taciturn I sound.

"I... Roger and I had an argument earlier and I think I screwed up."

"Oh, that's bad news... But how much did you screw up?" He must want to know it in order to help me.

"I told him to leave if he weren't satisfied." I could feel myself burning inside as I admit my mistake.

"Fuck, Brian! Don't you know Roger is a very sensitive one? You screwed up totally!" He scolded me harshly. After all, he is Roger's best friend as well. "But I bet you didn't call me to hear what you hopefully already know." The singer tried to soothe his voice tone.

"Thank you, Fred. I called you because I don't know what I should do. I'm afraid that something happens to him. He kind of ran away from me and he was driving insanely fast! What if he drinks? He always drinks when he's sad or upset! I would never forgive myself if something bad happens to him!" I start to sob at all these bad thoughts.

"Please darling, just calm down." He says softly, what makes me calm down a bit. "Now, you told me that he always drinks when he's upset, right?"

"Yeah, most times." I stutter.

"Okay. Do you know any bars or pubs around the area? He might have gone to one of these places to have some drinks." He suggests.

"Sure!" A feeling of hope takes over me. "How I didn't think about it before?!

"We can't seem to think about the most obvious things when we're tense. Now listen. I'm coming over to your place, so we can look for him together. If we find him, he may not want to talk to you immediately."

"Okay, I understand. I'm waiting for you." I said hanging up the phone.

I should use the time I've got until Freddie arrives to try and look decent. My hair is a complete mess and my clothes, that I didn't chance when I went upstairs, were quite wrinkled and dusty. I take off my dirty clothes, leaving them in the laundry room, and go to my bedroom to find something to wear. I open the closet and choose a white button up shirt, black pants and a jacket. I put on my Adidas and I decide this is enough. I run to the bathroom, as I don't know how much time is left. I look at the mirror. Oh my sweet Lord! How am I to fix my hair? I take a comb and try to untangle it a bit. I take a look at the mirror again. Terrible. I turn on the faucet and wet my hands, using their wetness to smooth this thing I call hair. I love my curls dearly, but moments like this make me hate them. It looks better now. Great.

Just as I go to the living room to wait for Freddie, I hear a knock on the door. It must be him. I swing the door open to see my old friend with a concerned look on his face.


"Hi, shall we?" I don't even let him come in. He lives thirty minutes from here and by the time I called him it was almost evening. I can't lose more time.

"Of course."

We hop in the back seat of his car and his driver starts the engine. He keeps driving silently until we see the first bar.

"Let's look for him at this one?"


"Darling, pull over, please. Look, right there" He instructs the man pointing to the bar.

Roger's P.O.V

  I hear a car pulling over. The sound of tires on the road is unmistakable. Two blokes come into the bar. Damn, everything is so blurred... Then, I realize the two men are Brian and Freddie.

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