Chapter 4

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Roger's P.O.V

I wake up in my bed wearing a fluffy robe. I look at the clock, it's 10 A.M. I can't remember how I got home. I remember fighting with Brian and drinking. I try to remember more facts about yesterday but my head is pounding. I get out of bed. Every single bone of my body is hurting; my mouth is dry and, hell, how long has it been since the last time I ate something? Propping my body against the walls, I eventually reach the hall. Damn, those stairs... How would I go downstairs if I can barely stand on my feet? When everything seems lost, I see Freddie exiting the bathroom. I look at him surprised. What is he doing here? Then I remember he brought me home yesterday. 

"Good morning, Rog. How do you feel?" He asks very kindly, realizing my presence.

"Good morning, Fred. Sincerely, I feel like shit." I answer. "Could you help me go downstairs? I need water and something to eat." My voice sounds raspy, more than usual.

"Of course, darling!" He says wrapping my right arm around his shoulder, helping me with each step.

Once we got downstairs, I can feel an amazing aroma of pancakes spreading through the room. We go in the aroma's direction only to find Brian.

"Hey." He says shyly as he turns off the stove. "I've just made pancakes. Do you guys want some?"

I avoid making eye contact with him. Realizing my discomfort, Freddie answers for the both of us.

"Sure we do, Bri. Roger, sit down. I'll grab you a cup of water." He says pointing to the worktop stools.

I sit down as he told me to. In a moment, Freddie comes with a cup of water.

"Here you go, darling." He hands me the cup.

I drink the water in a go. My throat was completely dry. Brian puts the pancakes on the worktop. Then he goes grab some needed utensils like plates, forks, knives.

"Help yourselves." He motions to the food.

We eat silently, until Brian spoke.

"Freddie, I'd like to talk with Roger. Could you excuse us?"

Freddie looks at me, as if he were asking me if he should stay or go. I give a nod at him and he leaves the kitchen.

Brian's P.O.V

I get up from the stool, leaning on the worktop so I can be face to face with Roger. Before he could speak anything, I break the death silence.

"I'd say I'm sorry but I know it's not enough..."

"Brian, please..." He interrupts me.

"No, Roger. Please, just listen. Ok?" I ask. Last night I couldn't sleep a wink and I got thinking about everything. About the fight, our relationship, where we went wrong, and I've had an idea. I hope Roger will accept what I'm going to propose him. "We've been together for some months and I'm really glad we have. But yesterday, when you left, I realized I'm not fair with you. I'm a person with you and the guys and another one completely different whenever we're surrounded by strangers." I pause. Roger is crying. I feel so bad for knowing that I caused that.

"Please, Bri. Continue." He asks.

"I want you to give me a chance, Rog. I want to make you happy, but I need your help. The proposal is the following: during a month, I'll try my best to be a better boyfriend for you. And if I don't do it, if I can't deal with the influence of others on our relationship then you can leave me if you want to."

He frowns his forehead. The blonde man seems surprised. He opens his mouth to say something but he chooses to think a bit more. Then, he looks at me. A half smile on his face.

"Do you think we can do it? Don't you want me to leave you anymore?"

"God, no! I've never wanted that."

He stood up from the stool and came in my direction. He gave me that sweet smile of his, tears rolling down his face. I engulfed him in a warm hug, kissing the top of his head softly. After a while, he broke the hug to look at me.

"I'll give you a chance, Brian. I'll give us a chance." He grabbed my hands. "We can work it out, I'm sure."

I couldn't be happier. I lean in to kiss him, sealing our deal. I'm pretty sure it was the best kiss we've ever shared. It was passionate, gentle and deep. I love this man and I'll do everything and anything to keep him with me.

Freddie's P.O.V

If I were a well-behaved kid, I would have left Brian and Roger discussing their relationship alone. Unfortunately, I'm not; and since I've been helping them out since the very start, I feel I have the right to eavesdrop their conversation. I'm very worried, there was a lot of tension between those two during the breakfast. I find a spot next to the staircase where I can see and, most importantly, hear them.

As they talk, I get thrilled. They fucking love each other. That's very clear. While I try to wipe my tears, I am surprised by the both of them staring at me. 

"Freddie, were you eavesdropping?" Brian asks me, shocked.

"Maybe..." I joke.

They look at each other.

"C'mon, I've spent a lot of my precious time with you guys. I do have the right to eavesdrop!"

"Yes, Fred. You surely do." Brian says giggling.

We all burst in a fit of laughter.

"I'm sorry to ruin this lovely moment but the kitchen is a mess..." The guitarrist says recovering from his own fit of laughter.

"Are you suggesting we should help you with the cleaning?" I ask in desbilief.

"That's it, honey . See you there." He replies heading to the kitchen with Roger.

What a prick! Copying my words!

"You wash, I dry? I shout going to the the kitchen.

"Sure! I don't even know why you're not here yet." He shouts back.

I love these guys.

A/N: In the upcoming chapters, I'll expose Brian to situations in which he may prove he has changed. If you guys have any suggestions, please let me know them. 

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