Chapter 3

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Hey guys! This chapter is longer than I expected and if I had added any more to it, it would be terribly long. So, I'll post the next chapter as soon as possible and I swear this story is going somewhere. Please, leave your comments, suggestions and vote! :)

Roger's P.O.V

I want to run; maybe there is a backdoor around here. I'm still mad at Brian. I need some time to digest everything that has happened. Yet, something makes stay. While I'm having this inner fight about what I should or not do, Brian meets his eyes with mine. For a brief moment, we look at each other, then, Freddie sees me. They come walking on my direction, but half the way towards me the older man asks Brian to wait right there. He sighs but obeys him.

I wonder why he's here. Maybe, Brian didn't have the guts to come after me alone. I watch him as he walks and sits on an available stool next to me. I look teary eyed at him, holding my empty cup of vodka tighter.

"Hey there, darling." He says almost whispering in that soft voice of his.

"Hey, Fred." I manage to answer.

He watches me for a while. My head lowers down as I gaze the cup.

"I think you've had enough of that for today." He says pointing to my grip on the cup.

I keep silent. I couldn't speak even if I wanted to. I'm definitely drunk.

"Poor thing..." the singer says, sorry for me. He gets on his feet and lifts me from the stool by my arms. It seems like I'm quite heavy because he gritted his teeth as if he was doing a huge effort to make me stand on my feet. Brian tries to come and help us, but Freddie motions for him to keep a safe distance. And so he does. Freddie wraps an arm around my shoulders and I wrap an arm around his, so we can balance my weight and prevent the both of us from falling.

Somehow, we get out of the bar and climb in the backseat of Freddie's car. Brian is following us close behind. As soon as my old friend makes sure I'm comfortable and buckled up, he turns to Brian.

"I'm driving him to your place in my car. I think you should get the keys of your car and drive yourself there."

"Sure. Good idea."

"Rogie, can you give me the keys of your car?" he asks me tenderly. I try to say something about not scratching "my baby", what must've sounded like some random nonsense, and give him the keys.

"Be careful. There's no need to run. He's safe now. Not sober, but at least safe..." He gives him the keys and a weak smile.

The last thing I can remember before everything went black is seeing Brian's thin frame walking towards our car and hearing Freddie's instructions to the driver.

Freddie's P.O.V

Roger has fallen asleep during the small trip back home. Then again, when my driver pulls over in front of their driveway, I have to make a huge effort to take him out of the car and inside his house. Damn, was Roger weighty! I carry him bridal style to their living room and drop him on the couch.

Brian comes creeping up behind me. I hate when he does that. Why does he have to turn up out of the blue like that? Sometimes he scares the shit outta me, just like now. I look at him startled.

"Relax, mate. It's just me." He says trying to assure me that he isn't any ghost or thief.

"Fuck, Brian! How many times have I told you to turn up where my eyes can see you? Any of these days, you're giving me a heart attack, you bastard!" I grumble.

"Okay, I'm sorry. How is he?" He asks motioning to that poor blonde thing sleeping on the couch.

"Although, he's drunk, worn out and obviously resentful, I think he's fine." As I say it, Brian looks at me as if I had killed his mother. "What? That's a resume of his actual state. What did you expect to hear?"

He rolls his eyes.

"We should try to wake him up. He needs a bath. Some food and aspirins should help as well. He has drunk a lot; we need to hydrate him." He engages into a lecture. If I were going to name it, it'd be "how to take care of a drunk properly".

"Okay! That's enough, Dr. May! I got it. I'll prepare his bath and you'll take him upstairs. Just hush!" God! When he starts to speak, he never quits it anymore!

He nods heading to the couch. I can tell the way he looks at Roger. There's a sparkle in his eyes that you only can see in one's eyes when one is really in love. Brian is a good guy and I bet he loves that blonde more than his own life, he's just bad at showing it. I go upstairs to prepare Roger's bath. After such an eventful day, I'd love to have a bath myself. In a moment, Brian comes stumping on his feet, carrying Roger bridal style almost out of breath. He drops the younger man carefully on the floor, regaining his breath slowly.

"God! I did it. He doesn't look that weighty." He says in awe looking at him.

"It's just a matter of situation, darling. I bet an arm that you don't care about his weight when he's on top of you." I say smirking.

"How funny, Freddie. How funny." He scoffs. "Will you help me with his clothes?" He asks while unbutonning his shirt.

"Sure, darling." I try to take off his pants but they were very tight. "Damn, Taylor! Did you really need to wear these tight pants today?" I complain.

Eventually, we got rid of his dirty clothes. Brian put him into the bathtub and the drummer stirred with the sensation of water on his skin. The bath process was quite fast. We dried him off and put him on a fluffy robe.

"Take him to bed and make him comfortable, Bri. I'll stay the night here. You may need some help tomorrow."


"Oh, I'll sleep in the guest room. If I were you I wouldn't risk sleeping with Rog, so..." I trail off.

"Are you suggesting I should sleep on the couch?" He looks at me, disbelief on his face.

"That's it, honey. See you tomorrow!" I wave at him and go waltzing downstairs. I had to dismiss my driver and take a long shower.

Brian's P.O.V

I'm staring at the ceiling, while I lie on the couch in my frustrated attempt to sleep. I can't stop thinking about what will happen tomorrow. Will we be alright? Will Roger want to break up? Frankly, I don't know. I shut my eyes, wishing it were tomorrow already.

Can We Work it Out?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora