Final Chapter

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A/N: Well, this is the last chapter but it isn't our last farewell, not yet. I'll post an epilogue soon, or so I hope. I'd like to thank you all for reading, voting and commenting up to now, I really appreciate feedback; it makes it all worth it. This is shorter than usual, I hope you enjoy it though.

18th October 1977 (Saturday, evening)

"I'll never love someone as much as I've been loving you and I don't need two more weeks to realize that! Screw the deal! Roger, I need to know. Do you still want me?"

Roger's P.O.V

I don't have the slightest idea of what Brian is expecting to hear from me, but how could he ever doubt my love for him? I've been being upset because he used to be an idiot around others, that's true. However, deep down inside, I knew he could change and he did. He truly did. The man only needed one more chance. When he came out with the deal, it just fit like a glove. I've never meant to leave him. At first, I must confess, I was afraid he would show changes in his behavior and then, when the deal came to end, he would act as always. Nevertheless, we've been through so many things in only a two weeks period that I more than sure about his feelings. He learned many things and so did I; we will never be the same and this hard time has only strengthened our bond.

"Bri... You are what I want the most since I've known you! Never doubt that!" I say through tears and smiles. Brian was staring down his lap, maybe apprehensive about my answer. When he lifts his head up, I see the most content and relieved grin I had ever seen.

"Are you serious? Do you really mean that?!" He asks, trying to make sure he didn't mishear me. The older man's chest goes up and down so rapidly that it looks like he will explode at any moment.

"Of course, I mean that. You are the one I want by my side, no matter what. I love you, you love me..."

"And we'll go through anything as long as we have each other..." He completes my sentence as if we had rehearsed it previously. Bri seems to recognize the words; I don't know why it sounds so familiar to me though. "I said this to you that terrible day. When those pictures came out, you know. How did you remember it?" My boyfriend asks in amazement. Oh yeah, that's where I had heard it from.

"Oh yeah. Perhaps, we should make that our sentence." I suggest, smiling.

"Oh, you're right! That's an excellent idea. I think that fits us so well." He involves his arms around my waist and lifts us from the bench. We spin around involved in a passionate hug, screaming, crying and laughing at the same time. The scene would have looked weird for anyone else, but for me it was just perfect.

"I love you, you love me..." I say, screaming out loud, as he keeps on making our bodies spin around. My hands are around his neck and his arms around my waist, so my body is close against his.

"And we'll go through anything as long as we have each other!" He completes, in the same screaming tone. He puts me back on the floor. We're still laughing, I don't think we have ever been this happy as a couple. Brian brings his hand to my face and I kiss it.

"I love you. Happy first dating anniversary." The older man whispers in the shell of my ear, what causes me shivers.

"I love you too. Happy first dating anniversary, I hope it is the first of many others." He leans in and kiss me. For the first time in a while, our kisses don't feel as a usual thing. The chaste kiss that we share now feels like a watershed, it announces the beginning of a new age. A new era in which we leave it all behind to start anew; the past must remain in the past, otherwise we will never be happy.

"I hate to break the spell, Rog. We need to discuss about some things though." My boyfriend says right after breaking the kiss. God, why can't he just enjoy the moment?

"Yes, what kind of things do you mean?" I ask, grabbing his hands.

"Uhm... How will we keep this, I mean our relationship?" He seems worried. I shift my weight from a foot to the other. Although I would rather discuss it any other time, we really needed to figure out how things will be from now on.

"I don't know. I can't promise you an "and they lived happily forever after", but we will find a way through." I squeeze his hand gently. "Now, if you'd like to be more appropriate, we should try changing the subject..." He takes my hint and blushes.

"Oh sorry, love! I just..., sorry. That was so inappropriate! I REALLY need to work on my timing." He takes his hands up to his forehead, blushing even harder.

"No, problem." I chuckle at his embarrassment. "I accept kisses as an apology."

"Oh I can make it up for that then..." He brushes my cheek, purring in a seductive voice. Brian brings my face next to his. We look at each other, eventually kissing one more time this evening.

It may get hard sometimes, but our love will soothe the long ride. Through every happy moment, every sweet kiss, every fight and every tear, we will work it out.

The End (Or the Beginning?)

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